Forum Replies Created

Can Unclogging Pores Cause Acne?

I'm using the Loreal Go 360 Facial Cleanser

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Can Unclogging Pores Cause Acne?

I recently have suffered from tiny bumps all over my forehead. Not acne, under the skin, so clogged pores. I just started using a product with salicyclic acid to treat them. While they seem to be less...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Small Bumps Under My Skin That Don't Emerge

I have gotten increasingly more tiny bumps under the skin of my forehead. They cover it! With make up, they're easy to miss; however, if you were to rub your hand across it you would feel how bumpy it...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago