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Small Bumps Under My Skin That Don't Emerge


Posted : 07/02/2013 9:59 pm

I have gotten increasingly more tiny bumps under the skin of my forehead. They cover it! With make up, they're easy to miss; however, if you were to rub your hand across it you would feel how bumpy it is. I started using the cleanser 2 months ago, then I added the treatment to my process because my acne wasn't that bad. Why would this be happening?


Posted : 07/02/2013 11:35 pm

You probably just have comedones or tiny clogged pores on your forehead.. they can be from makeup clogging your pores, or just unfortunate by-products of puberty! I think you should get yourself some Salicylic acid face wash, or better yet you could get some AHA. It will help chemically exfoliate your forehead and clean the pores out (:


Posted : 07/03/2013 11:26 am

If what the above user said isn't working, (which it probably will) drop by your derma's office for a Cortisol injection. It works like magic. However be sure to look up the side effects of cortisol injections. :)


Posted : 07/04/2013 10:35 am

^^ wtf? The OP doesn't have nodules so cortisol injection would be useless.


There are two things it could possibly be. Acne cosmetica or closed comedones.


Acne cosmetica is caused by rich heavy creams, oil based cosmetics, or anything that creates a seal over your pore preventing it from expelling dead skin and sebum. Acne cosmetica is easy to get rid of. Just stop using thick heavy creams, makeup or whatever your using on your face that has an oily or thick consistency.


Closed comedones are hard to get rid of. Chemical peels, extractions, retin a, sulfur topical and salicylic acid can help.


Posted : 07/29/2013 2:20 am

I think you have clogged pores. I had them all over my face and forehead. They were flesh colored bumps. Made my skin feel like sandpaper when I touch it. It took a lot of patience for it to start to clear up. About 2 months for nlme. I've been sparingly using BP 5% and cerave moisturizer at night. I also started using Olay microdermabrasion. I believe it helped. My forehead is completely smooth now. It just had acne scars. Maybe you should try it too.
