Forum Replies Created

Spironolactone Log

Are you on a contraceptive at all? I'm on Spiro and Tri-Sprintec (which is generic ortho-tri-cyclin) and have never had any problems with irregular periods. I only take 50mg Spiro, however, so that co...

In forum Personal logs

11 years ago
Oily And Red From Tretinoin

Hey I'm reading! I've been using it for almost two years now. Used to use it every night, now I just use it every 2-3 nights. I'm still oily, but then again I was oily BEFORE I started tret. My oiline...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Initial Breakout From Antibiotics Tetracycline Doxycycline Minocycline

I broke out around my 3rd week of doxy. I typically get hard, sore breakouts on my jawline and sides of my face. Those spots never get heads and pop, but instead are hard and linger. But this break ou...

In forum Personal logs

12 years ago
Help, I Put On Too Mcuh Retin A And My Skin Looks Burned

I had a funky reaction to too much Retin-A because I kept slathering it on my chin because of a bad breakout. It was red like yours, but also bumpy and REALLY REALLY dry so I think mine was more of a ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Why Would Any Girl Want A Guy With Acne And Skin Problems When She Can Have A Guy With Perfect Skin Instead?

I had a crush on a guy all through high school, and I'd say his acne was severe. Mine was extremely mild in comparison. And this guy seemed to get any girl he wanted. He never *seemed* to let his acne...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago
For The Ladies...

Thank you so much for this.

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago
Birth Control Pill & Weight Gain?

I've actually been taking TRI-sprintec for 7 months. It made me a little nauseous the first couple of months which killed my appetite so I actually LOST a few pounds when I first started the pill. I n...

In forum Personal logs

12 years ago