Forum Replies Created

WOW! Found SHOCKING before pictures of my acne. Transformation.

I’ve posted here few times before. If you ever read any of my posts before you would know that I eat around 4000-6000 calories a day mostly junk food. Especially dairy, wheat and sug...

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

I noticed I only get pimples on my cheeks when I eat a lot of peanuts or chocolate. Gluten or dairy doesn’t do it to me really.

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

I kept at it. Kept eating bad foods Christmas came around at absolutely insane amounts of chocolates and peanuts with ice cream, pies, cakes and candy’s. My face got some small whiteheads and just oth...

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Yup I’ll admit it it’s been building and this 5k calorie diet a day finally got to me. Got bunch of pimples on forehead and temple. Also wayyyyyy more oily then I was a month ago also feel tingly in t...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Still didn’t change my diet yet ate lots of food including whole box of Oreos and 2 boxes or ritz. Like who does that lol. That’s just my snacks for the day too. But I noticed got a red pimple on my f...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

2 hours ago, pimple pimp said: do you get breakouts anywhere else like back, chest scalp or just face? I used to get it on my back and shoulders and chest too. Nothing new for a while thou...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

12 hours ago, Beauty-Greens said: Hey, Now it would be interesting to see the effects on your acne if you challenged yourself to the opposite diet. Say a three week binge diet on nothing ...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

It’s been 2 and a half weeks now and I’m still at it. Junk everyday. Lots of ice cream yesterday. Ate an entire baguette last night right before bed followed by a box of ritz crackers and a box of lin...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Throwback pictures 8 months ago. So you people know stuff can change quick

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Got a good ol whitehead on my cheek today

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Wow just wow. I ate so much food today that if i typed it out here it would look like an essay. Insane amounts of sugar, dairy and wheat . Over 6 thousand calories of junk. If this doesn’t break me ou...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Day 9. Face looks exactly the same as when I stated other then 2 tiny red almost flat pimple like things on my cheek And when I actjally think about it my face looks better today then the first day...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Day 7 2 small whiteheads appeared beside under mouth. I should also mention that I didn’t sleep at all Friday or Sunday. Fractured my big toe and pain kept me up all night. This is another factor

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

3 hours ago, Quadboy said: If your taking oral anti biotics of any type and its working you will find it quite hard to break out. I’m not taking any antibiotics or any medic...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Day 5: new whitehead appeared beside mouth. Other then that everything is the same

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Day 4: mustache whitehead disappeared too when I woke up. Now my face looks the same as when I started

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Day 3, ate a whole box with 8 eggo waffles yesterday with maple syrup and fish and chips along with a whole bunch of other junk. The whiteheads that appeared on my chin yesterday have disappeared. The...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

27 minutes ago, Betty92 said: Only a couple after all of that? You are lucky So far that’s it. I’m expecting a cystic pimple to come up sometime in the ne...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Day 2 update. So on day 1 I didn’t bother posting because my face stayed the same. But now it’s day 2. So after another day of binge eating (lots of ice cream, Ritz, chocolate chip cookies, candy bars...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Yeah also forgot to mention I did not do this on purpose. I have low self control on eating and went off. Planning on eating healthier and less junk starting tomorrow.

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Binge of the century vs acne prone skin. Who will win?

Just did the binge of the century over the last 24 hours. 20 small chocolate bars from Halloween, 2 bags rice cakes, 1 box ritz, 1 kilogram of frozen fries, 3 rice crispies squares bars, 2 marshmallow...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
SEVERE Acne Progress Pictures Update

So I already notice more oily then usual also some new spots. Now decided that I am not gonna ban certain foods from what I eat as I have been eating junk and lots of it my whole life. Instead I’m gon...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
SEVERE Acne Progress Pictures Update

19 hours ago, MrBakery said: in my experience, regarding diet everything has a delayed reaction. not saying its gong to happen to you but i find if my diet is bad, i'll normally see it in my s...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
SEVERE Acne Progress Pictures Update

Just continued eating more junk today. Gonna really experement this. Gonna eat more junk tomorrow and then on November 1st gonna cut it all out for while and see if it changes my skin.

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
SEVERE Acne Progress Pictures Update

Just binge ate big time chips, smarties, skittles and aero bars and I mean LOTS. Wayyy more Then usual. Now I am going to see if these type of foods cause my acne I had no new bumps or pimples in the ...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago