Forum Replies Created

Meanest thing that someone has said about your acne

I had a boss tell me I was scaring the customers away.   Dick! Wow... I would have said something to him, but nothing irrational because then it would cause more problems. But in my head I prob...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

16 years ago
Genetics and acne

My dad had facial acne, but no sign of it. No scars, nothing. So I don't know how bad it was because I never asked...

In forum General acne discussion

16 years ago
Meanest thing that someone has said about your acne

No one ever says anything mainly because I have red marks, but I wear concealer. But whenever a guy likes me, my sister "mentions" how I have to wear cover up and how ugly I am. =/ Your sister is a ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

16 years ago