Forum Replies Created

Healed From Cystic Acne After 10 Years

hi incepticon, no i haven't had any

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
Healed From Cystic Acne After 10 Years

Hi everyone! I'm not recommending any medicine or creams but I can share my experience in hopes that it might help. If you are tired of looking in the mirror and hating the reflection that...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
It will never end

witzend, am so sorry to hear your story. this is no way to live! I hope this doesn't offend in anyway or come across in the wrong way, I can't recommend any medicine or creams. But I can share my expe...

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Hey Ladies- Mirena And Acne?

Naomi07d i sympathise with you. I think anytime you deal with hormonal birth control you are at risk of skin issues because it just puts your body in different sorts. i was on the depo shot for a year...

In forum Adult acne

6 years ago
Adult Acne - No Slowing Down

I hope this doesn't offend in anyway or come across in the wrong way, I can't recommend any medicine or creams. But I can share my experience in hopes that it might help. I know exactly how you are fe...

In forum Adult acne

6 years ago
Sudden onset of adult acne

I hope this doesn't offend in anyway or come across in the wrong way, I can't recommend any medicine or creams. But I can share my experience in hopes that it might help. I know exactly how you are fe...

In forum Adult acne

6 years ago