Forum Replies Created

Apple Cider Vinegar

Hey everyone...My redmarks are healing slowly, but my skin is so smooth and my pores are cleaning out. The pores on my nose have been filled with junk (but not in the form of blackheads, just flesh c...

In forum Scar treatments

18 years ago

Hi Independent Thinker~Thanks for your thorough introduction to green smoothies. I'm going to check into them some more. Regardless of whether they help with my skin, I would love to get more green le...

In forum Diet & holistic health

18 years ago
jojoba oil keeping me 100% clear

I wish jojoba oil worked well for me as it did with all of you, but, it didn't, I started breaking out with little tiny bumps on my face, I don't know why....and could anyone please tell me what is je...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

18 years ago
Gallery of Acne.Org Regimen users

These photos are taken 80 days apart. and 40 days later...

In forum The Regimen logs

18 years ago
Your age bracket

I'm 36.

In forum Adult acne

18 years ago
Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar

I have been using an Apple Cider Vinegar toner with distilled water and Epsom Salts. I also have added the salts as a scrub once a day. I still use BP at night, and I've been thrilled with the resul...

In forum Diet & holistic health

18 years ago
Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar

I tried this last night. I am on Dan's Clear Skin Regimen, but I skipped my BP application last night, to give my skin a break.   Poured about 4 tablespoons of Epsoms Salts in a little bowl. Adde...

In forum Diet & holistic health

18 years ago