Forum Replies Created

i'm clear using head and shoulder shampoo

ive been washing 2x a day with head and shoulders classic clean for less than a week and im about 80% clearer now. i still have some active whiteheads (1-2) but they are not inflamed and are barely n...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

18 years ago
i'm clear using head and shoulder shampoo

umm... this is friggin... amazing. no new breakouts since i started using H&S (wednesday), and i have only 2 active ones left - which have decreased in size alot since starting H&S. i just h...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

18 years ago

has anyone tried using Selsun Blue dandruff shampoo? i use it as a shampoo so i dont get flakes, but now that i think about it, i never break out on my forehead... i guess now i know why. it has th...

In forum General acne discussion

18 years ago
i'm clear using head and shoulder shampoo

ok since this sounds too good to be true, i decided to try it. i just washed my face with the head and shoulders classic clean with hydrazinc. i didnt change anything else in my regemin (except i re...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

18 years ago