Forum Replies Created

Accutane Contradiction?

hey guys, im reading my accutane leaflet and one of the points says "you must not take accutane capsules if you have very high levels of fat (triglycerides, cholesterol) in your blood" however alot ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Class My Acne ?

Can someone help class my acne for me ? right now its only mainly affecting the temples but has given me minor scarring (started after doxy) and dark pigmentation in other areas - and basically after...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Accutane Did Something To My Brain/skull, Fixing My ArnoldChiari Malformation.

im so sorry for you OP i hope everything does get better , the only reason why i want to try accutane (albeit low dose) is cause my acne started scarring and ive felt like ive exhausted everything i...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Post-Doxycycline Breakouts?

you have to try some other prescription of regimen , i remember post doxy and my skin was HORRIBLE (clear while it was on it) , like i still have scars from that horrible breakout . thats why im going...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Antibiotics - What's The Point?

chnage derms , your paying so much and getting a close minded advice.

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Doxycycline Dosage -- 100 Mg Once Or Twice A Day?

mine says once a day , but this isnt my first time taking anti biotics and i have huge nodules on the sides of my face , i might do twice a day?

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Accutane Did Something To My Brain/skull, Fixing My ArnoldChiari Malformation.

what do you recommend doing? im currently taking anti biotics and that cant be good for the long term and every time i stop acne comes back - i have moderately severe acne. there are new studies on ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Can Accutane Be Good For You?

Read my thread below: didnt really answer my question , i know the side effects , what i was asking was if there was any way accutane could be good for you/your body (aside from its acne clearing pr...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Accutane Did Something To My Brain/skull, Fixing My ArnoldChiari Malformation. but hey did it fix ur pores?? did they go away completely?? Yeah and I would like them back. This drug will age you 10 years. You will be begging for your acne back. benzyl, an...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Can Accutane Be Good For You?

sorry to any ignorance but im going to try accutane soon and was researching about it , alot of people are saying its just an overdose of vitamin a , now we all know vitamin a is really good for the b...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Epsom Salt And Benzoyl?

K i have moderate acne ( few years) and a heavy handful of redmarks. Benzoyl 5% wash has helped me reduce my (on average at any given time) 12 pimples to 4 active ones. I was wondering if i could use...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
Red Marks Won't Go

try chemical peels? im doing them now and it has faded them a bit ( 2nd time)

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

10 years ago