Forum Replies Created

Deviated Septum surgery(rhinoplasty) after Accutane

What about liposuction after accutane?

In forum Prescription acne medications

14 years ago
The answers I got from my doctor about hair loss

The thing about this thread is that a lot of you didn't specify if you are male or female. I'd like to know how accutane hair loss effects women as compared to men.

In forum Prescription acne medications

15 years ago
Hyperthyroid & Acne

My skin started to break out and became oily for the first time in my life when I was 19. At the same time my skin started to break out, I became sick. A year later I was diagnosed with Graves disea...

In forum Adult acne

15 years ago
The answers I got from my doctor about hair loss

Does everyone on acctuane experience hair loss?

In forum Prescription acne medications

16 years ago
The answers I got from my doctor about hair loss

Reading this post it seems almost as if accutane isn't worth it. Why trade in one set of problems for another? Hair loss and male pattern baldness is scary. I don't know if that's worse of if acne ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

16 years ago