Forum Replies Created

Coming to terms with acne

I think ive accepted the fact that i’m just gonna have acne forever. I dont even have the energy to continue to look for a cure. I’m tired of prescription after prescription. I’m over having the exact...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
Bad initial breakout on BC -- please offer advice!!

I'm having the same problem. I'm on my second pack and my skin is so much worse than before I started. Pimples everywhere, not just on my jaw line. Large cystic acne as well as small bumps. I realllyy...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Thoughts on a few things...

How does going on a rant about how much you hate fat women even remotely relate to acne support? Is this suppose to make me feel better? Because some random man on the internet prefers my acne over fa...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago