Forum Replies Created

Diane 35 Save Me

I was diagnosed with adult acne and given all sorts of rx creams lotions antibacterial pills. Ketaconazole Rx cream or Rx shampoo was given to me also. After trying so many things I discovered all I r...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago

Nizoral worked for my seborrheic dermatitis. I use it along my hair line, cheeks, forehead and I don't have any bumps now. No more itchy skin, red skin, The active ingredient ketaconazole was given to...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

10 years ago
The seborrheic dermatitis thread

I tried all sorts of OTC and Rx . What helped me get rid of the multiple bumps on my forehead and cheeks was using Nizoral Ketaconazole a few times a week. Yes the shampoo as a face wash for just 1 mi...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

10 years ago
Has Anyone Used Ketaconazole

Yes I had tiny bumps along my hair line forehead later had some on cheeks. I used Ketaconzole (Nizoral Shampoo) to make the bumps and itchiness go away. I am clear now but still use it every 3 to 5 da...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago