Forum Replies Created

My Options: Atralin, Finacea Or Accutane

I figured I would provide an update on my progress. Its been about 5 months on Atralin and 6 weeks on Finacea. At around 4 months is when my skin really started to improve, I would have less than 5 ac...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
My Options: Atralin, Finacea Or Accutane

I use Atralin. It's easily the best topical I have ever tried and I'm never stopping it. Never tried Aczone, but I know Atralin works GREAT for me.

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Can P.acne Develop Any Resistance Against Benzoyl Peroxide ?

no, benzoyl peroxide does not get resistant against acne. Your skin however may get sensitive to it which happened to me after a year. I developed facial eczema that flared anytime i used topicals ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
Severe Acne, Nothing Working, Awful Dermatologist.

You would probably have to simply call and find out if you can switch doctors. I know the frustration that can happen with dermatologists. One time my dermatologist tried prescribing me 10% BP. Yeah,...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Why Hasn't Diet Had Any Effect On My Skin?

  How come Alternavista hasn't replied? Do we really need another Alternativista post stating the same thing, low GI diet, antioxidants, vitamin D, omega-3's etc. I have followed those things...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Is Retin-A Better At Fading Red Marks Than An Aha?

I understand that everyone's skin is different. Retin - A is the reason I am only trying to treat redmarks right now, instead of actual acne. I have not broken out in a long time thanks to retin-a. As...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

10 years ago
Is Retin-A Better At Fading Red Marks Than An Aha?

My red marks STILL look much more red and noticeable, even 3 days after the 10% peel. I thought 10% was supposed to be very mild, but I guess I was wrong. How much longer do you guys think it will tak...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

10 years ago
Is Retin-A Better At Fading Red Marks Than An Aha?

My red marks STILL look much more red and noticeable, even 3 days after the 10% peel. I thought 10% was supposed to be very mild, but I guess I was wrong. How much longer do you guys think it will tak...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

10 years ago
Is Retin-A Better At Fading Red Marks Than An Aha?

Ok...So I just tried this "glytone mini peel gel" with 10.8% glycolic acid recommended by my derm and it was awful. The marks are BRIGHT red and skin around it looks sun burned. I threw that crap out....

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

10 years ago
Is Retin-A Better At Fading Red Marks Than An Aha?

Ok...So I just tried this "glytone mini peel gel" with 10.8% glycolic acid recommended by my derm and it was awful. The marks are BRIGHT red and skin around it looks sun burned. I threw that crap out....

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

10 years ago
Is Retin-A Better At Fading Red Marks Than An Aha?

im using hydroquinone for my red marks I'll have to ask my derm if that's a good option. How's it working for you?

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

10 years ago
Is Retin-A Better At Fading Red Marks Than An Aha?

So I am on retin a mirco .1%, and have not seen much improvment in hyperpigmentation over the course of 4-5 months. I seems that alot of people have success with an AHA at fading hyperpigmentation. H...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

10 years ago
Going To Derm For First Time...what Do They Usually Perscribe?

I'm still sooooo scared to use differin. Never have I seen such mixed reviews for a product.....My face just has red marks on my cheeks and neck right now. I don't want this stuff to make it ten times...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Going To Derm For First Time...what Do They Usually Perscribe?

I've been on all of those before and never at the same time. Monocycline worked well for me but it did take some time and didn't clear me completely but definitely improved acne. My face could never h...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Going To Derm For First Time...what Do They Usually Perscribe?

I've been on all of those before and never at the same time. Monocycline worked well for me but it did take some time and didn't clear me completely but definitely improved acne. My face could never h...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Going To Derm For First Time...what Do They Usually Perscribe?

Well I was prescribed Clindamycin phosphate for the morning and differen at night. I was also given Monocycline. Hope it works. Anyone else had the combination before?

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Going To Derm For First Time...what Do They Usually Perscribe?

Oh that's nice to hear. I sometimes see people say that you need to wait 6+ months which is rediculous. I'm not that damn patient lol

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Going To Derm For First Time...what Do They Usually Perscribe?

Just so you know, antibiotics do tend to make acne worse once you stop so keep that in mind. It also messes with your guy so i wouldn't recommend it as a first line of defense, especially if your acn...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Going To Derm For First Time...what Do They Usually Perscribe?

Just so you know, antibiotics do tend to make acne worse once you stop so keep that in mind. It also messes with your guy so i wouldn't recommend it as a first line of defense, especially if your acn...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Going To Derm For First Time...what Do They Usually Perscribe?

Well, I got an appointment with a nurse practitioner. I hope the person I got is as good as a regular dermatologist. I'm guessing they just prescribe the same stuff though.

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Going To Derm For First Time...what Do They Usually Perscribe?

It seems like a lot of people are not happy with the topicals dermatologists prescribe. I was assuming they have to be ALOT better than benzol peroxide. I hope I get something that just works. Thanks ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Going To Derm For First Time...what Do They Usually Perscribe?

Oh ok thanks for the reply. How did that work out for you? Did it get worse first? (that's what I'm really afraid of)

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Going To Derm For First Time...what Do They Usually Perscribe?

My face has mostly red marks on the left and right side of my checks and I get just enough pimples to keep the red marks forever. I'm so pale that 1 pimple means a redmark forever which sucks. I don't...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago