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Bad Enough For Accutane? With Pics

Does anyone have advice? I've combed through all of alternatavistas posts, I've bought online books, I'm not sure where to turn

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Bad Enough For Accutane? With Pics

Just curious, does anyone out their have experience with a low GI diet, and if so, can you let me know how long it took before you started to see a difference? I've read SO many books on balancing ho...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Bad Enough For Accutane? With Pics

are there any natural ways to regulate your hormones other than birth control and Spiro? I know that my acne is hormonal, and I've read on the holistic boards that eating a low GI diet really helps. T...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Bad Enough For Accutane? With Pics

Hmm, if I wanted to try this modified, what would be the key things to cut oat? I really enjoy my oatmeal breakfast... What are some of the ways I could support my body you think?

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Bad Enough For Accutane? With Pics

I appreciate your advice, but do you enjoy your life with such a restricted diet? Like are you stringent with it, or will you sometimes have a dessert then and now?

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Bad Enough For Accutane? With Pics

Hey, Just read the article you linked, it seems like it suggests a low GI diet with avoidance of inflammatory oils and nuts and grains. I'm willing to give it a shot, but it honestly just seems so...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Bad Enough For Accutane? With Pics

Breakfast is oatmeal and almond milk with some peanut butter.   Lunch is brown rice with soy sauce and vegetables   Dinner is usually Salmon or chicken maybe with whole wheat tortilla an...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Bad Enough For Accutane? With Pics

I actually haven't tried the regimen,but almost every product Ive used had benzoyl peroxide in it   To everyone who thinks I shouldn't go for accutane, what's your reason? I realize it's a stron...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Bad Enough For Accutane? With Pics

I've thought about Spiro and birth control, but I really don't want to be on pills for the rest of my life... At least with accutane I'll be done in a few months..

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Bad Enough For Accutane? With Pics

I have tried dietary changes, no effect for me. I only eat whole foods.

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Bad Enough For Accutane? With Pics

For the past eight years I've struggled with acne. Its always been mild to moderate, but its extremely persistent. I've tried everything there is out there, erythromycin, retin a, epiduo, sulfur face ...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Ocm, Should I Stop?

For any one reading this, Please DO NOT use the OCM. It made me get inflamed pimples on my lower jaw and cheeks. I have never broken out there in my LIFE! Honestly I would say just keep using your nor...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Ocm, Should I Stop?

No thoughts?

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Ocm, Should I Stop?

Hey all, I recently read about the OCM and for the past week I have been using it with 100% organic cold-pressed grapeseed oil. I have been using it morning and night, taking about a quarter sized amo...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Is This The Right Track?

Or if not a critique any suggestions?

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Is This The Right Track?

Hi Everyone, I've read through all of "the good things" post and also read the post about all of those people who have cleared their acne holistically. I'm just really struggling with this hormonal c...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Do I Need To Give Up All Dairy?

Thanks for the feedback, i know dairy is a problem for me because I am lactose intolerant and it really hurts my stomach. I'm just hoping the small amounts in packaged food won't affect my stomach or ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Do I Need To Give Up All Dairy?

Hi all, I've given up dairy for about a month now and my skin is actually looking really good. Since I stopped using dairy I haven't had one cyst. However, I have also been using epdiuo for the past ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Please Help, Where Do I Start

Do you think it's wiser to just cut out to the dairy before trying any supplements?

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Please Help, Where Do I Start

I'm just sensing a little bit of desperation here, so realize that even though you already doing a lot or eating a pretty good diet, in the end it's not enough. You still have acne. There isn't going ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Please Help, Where Do I Start

Do not use Estroblock. It blocks estrogen. All the research says that androgens cause acne, estrogen does not. Estrogen can actually help acne and is anti-inflammatory. Typically "deep painful cysts"...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Please Help, Where Do I Start

Hey everyone. I'm a 20 year old girl in college. I've tried basically every prescription there is except for accutane. Duac and retin-a micro kept me clear for a while, but then my cystic acne returne...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Need Some Support! Is It Time For Accutane?

Hi, my diet is almost entirely whole foods, vegetables and whole grains with the occasional yogurt thrown in. What diet changes could I need to make?

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Need Some Support! Is It Time For Accutane?

Thanks for the replies everyone, after hearing back from you all I'm feeling more hopeful.   @leelowe I would post pics, but I'm a little too embarrassed to put pics of my broken out face on ...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Need Some Support! Is It Time For Accutane?

Hello All, First a little bit about myself. I'm 20 years old, a girl in college, and I have suffered with moderate cystic acne for the past 7 years. It's never been bad enough for a derm to warrant gi...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago