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Accutane Question!

So I just finished my fourth month of Accutane, but my acne isn't fully gone. It's at the phase of getting better. During the first two months of Accutane I was on 60 mg, i got an IB during the first ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
this is my last resort... PLEASE HELP

For all the years you've been struggling with acne, I think it's worth a try. Nothing else is working and accutane is one of the most popular medication for severe acne, plus, the doctor usually makes...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Accutane treatment speed of clearing month?

1 hour ago, WholeEnvelope said: Didn't really answer my question but interesting video!

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Accutane treatment speed of clearing month?

I just finished my 3rd month of accutane and I can notice my skin is starting to clear up a little bit. I know that this month it should be starting to clear up but I wanted to know how face it would ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
What type of acne do I have, what should I be doing?

Bad when I had that type of acne (before it got worse) my derm told me I should've used some benzoyl peroxide face cleanser, try clean and clear. Hope this helps

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Tiny bumps! Clogged pores?

Wash your face with a cleanser, pat dry, then apply ice for five minutes, stop for five minutes, then again until the ice melts.

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Is Accutane working for me?

3 hours ago, Kathi said: Sometimes it takes longer for your face to clear up, i cleared up at the end of 4th month No worries So taking a new brand won't change anything or give me...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Is Accutane working for me?

So I've been on Absorbica Accutane for three months now and I do not see any clear results of my face clearing up, except for some blackheads that went away. It's been hard because my doctor upped my ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Epiduo Forte Journey

If you guys have any questions about my skin, my daily routine, my diet, or any other situation, feel free to ask me! 

In forum Personal logs

7 years ago
Epiduo Forte Journey

First week, I started using Epiduo Forte nightly with a skin cleanser (cetaphil) and washed my face in the mornings with just the cleanser. My face looked the same but not really much to judge off of....

In forum Personal logs

7 years ago
Epiduo Forte Journey

I've been using Epiduo Forte (not anymore), so I wanted to start sharing how it is working out for me for those of you that are going to attempt to use it. Sadly, my doctor decided it was time i trie...

In forum Personal logs

7 years ago