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I beg all of you to try Zinc + Chromium


Posted : 10/07/2005 1:53 am

After two weeks I am completely clear. I've been taking 100 mg zinc and 800mcg chromium gtf daily and this has really contained my acne. I've recommended this treatment to three of my friends with really bad acne and it's worked for them too. They haven't had any new flareups after only a few days of taking the zinc and chromium.


I had been on the regimen for about 5 months and just got tired of the dryness and hassle of benzoyl peroxide. I posted a while back about how vegetables seemed to help my acne alot in combination with BP. In retrospect i think the zinc and small levels of chromium in the vegetables were the reason why. 100 mg zinc and 800 mcg chromium GTF are more than you could ever get eating pounds of fresh vegetables.


Please try this, it really works. If your unsure, do some online research yourself and you'll see how zinc and chromium work to strengthen the immune system and lower blood sugar levels.


word of caution: > 100 mg zinc daily may cause copper deficiency over many months, so stay below 100 mg zinc, or eat lots of copper rich foods, (like cashews).


Posted : 10/07/2005 2:01 am

I got my mum to get me some zinc suppliments from supermakret. She come back with Vit C + Zinc ones. Only contains 15mg zinc though. Ill have to go next time, but I think 15mg zinc may be the highest mg thay do.


Posted : 10/07/2005 2:04 am

yeah, 15mg zinc is what you will typically find. Those are really high numbers. Are they healthy? I also used to take a Chromium supplement. That one was 200 mcgs!


I had to stop, though. I was taking them along with like 6 other vitamins / minerals and a multi, after a while they just started to hurt my stomach each time I would take them... sad.gif


Posted : 10/07/2005 2:15 am

Hey guys,


I've done a fair share of research concerning the safety of taking zinc and chromium supplements. The results i've gotten are pretty positive. Lots of research studies have shown that massive amounts of chromium are required for toxcity, and I mean massive. On the order of 300 to 400 x the amount present in supplements. Zinc on the other hand poses more of a danger if taken beyond 100 mg a day due to the risk of copper deficiency. This can be dealt with by staying below 100 mg a day, or consuming copper rich foods. I urge you to do some research and I'm confident you'll see that taking zinc and chromium at these levels are completely safe for most individuals.




Posted : 10/07/2005 2:21 am

yeah, 15mg zinc is what you will typically find.  Those are really high numbers.  Are they healthy?  I also used to take a Chromium supplement.  That one was 200 mcgs!


I had to stop, though.  I was taking them along with like 6 other vitamins / minerals and a multi, after a while they just started to hurt my stomach each time I would take them... sad.gif






Posted : 10/07/2005 2:24 am

Cool! I'll probably try it! wink.gif


Posted : 10/07/2005 2:32 am

I should clarify the dosage.


50 mg zinc x 2

200 mcg chromium gtf x 4


You should attempt to spread out the dosage in order to maximize the absorption.


50 mg and 200 mcg are common USP values in the U.S.


Posted : 10/07/2005 2:42 am

"One study reported that participants taking 30 mg of zinc daily had a clearer complexion after two months than participants taking a placebo, at least according to the evaluating physicians. In a separate study, zinc performed as well as the standard acne antibiotic, tetracycline."


Counter-point: "Not all studies have found zinc to be beneficial for acne, however."




Posted : 10/07/2005 6:30 am

pills four times a day. nah-ah.

Member Admin

Posted : 10/07/2005 10:55 am

If anyone decides to try this, please rate your experience after a few weeks at




Posted : 10/07/2005 12:48 pm

For everyone's information and safety.


USRDA for Zinc is 15 mg, 20-25mg for pregnant and nursing mothers.

High-dose zinc supplements should only be taken for a short time and only for a specific purpose. High zinc intakes can decrease the absorption of iron and copper. High dose zinc can cause nausea. Calcium interferes with zinc absorption.


Chromium, recommended daily intake is 50-200mcg in adults. Chromium is considered relatively nontoxic in doses of 1000mg or less. Chronic exposure to Chromium dust in industrial environments has been associated with increased lung cancer rates. One animal study found that chromium picolinate may damage chromosomes.


All of this from "The Vitamin Book" copyright 1999



Do your own research everyone before embarking on these experimental treatments, use your best judgment, and consult a doctor.



Posted : 10/07/2005 1:00 pm

Well, I would do your research by this, If anyone says "This worked for me" check their previous posts, in this case go to confession's first post, in which he says "I got clear from eating vegetables" post date was August 1st.






hmmm, good point there.


Posted : 10/07/2005 7:43 pm

Well, I would do your research by this, If anyone says "This worked for me" check their previous posts, in this case go to confession's first post, in which he says "I got clear from eating vegetables" post date was August 1st.






Posted : 10/12/2005 10:49 am

I think 100mg of zinc sounds really high. I should not take more than 60mg a day.


And if you want minerals that help your skin you should take magnesium. This will really help those with alot of insulin. Just google for magnesium and insulin resistance


Posted : 10/12/2005 11:36 am

can someone give us a link to a product that has this (that you could buy at a eckerds, rite aid, tops, walgreens, cvs, walmart.. etc..) + other good skin vitamins (I.E. .. Vitamin E, D etc..)


Posted : 10/12/2005 1:31 pm

Okeydoke did this do anything for your redmarks? Hmm...I guess if ya want I could show you a picture of mine. :)


Thanks. (I have some because of BP use..ugh) they've been here 8-10 months ;)




Yes, I am also curious about that?


Posted : 10/12/2005 8:20 pm

Okeydoke did this do anything for your redmarks? Hmm...I guess if ya want I could show you a picture of mine. :)


Thanks. (I have some because of BP use..ugh) they've been here 8-10 months ;)



As of right now I'm not sure. My redmarks have continued to improve over the months but I can't be certain that it's the supplements or just natural healing. As a progress report my skin remains clear which is very encouraging. After several weeks at 100 mg zinc, I've reduced the dosage to 50 mg. Hopefully the brilliant results will continue. I'd like to know if anyone has started taking the zinc and chromium and seen results. If so please reply.



I'd also like to say that taking zinc at 100 mg is safe for short periods of time. If your just starting it may be beneficial to start at the higher dose and then after a few weeks slowly decrease the dose. I've asked my pharmacist about taking zinc and chromium at the levels I've described and he said that it should be fine as long as I'm aware of the risks, specifically the copper deficiency related to the zinc.


Posted : 10/14/2005 10:50 am

I have been taking zinc for 2 years with good result. I take 30mg/day.


Posted : 10/14/2005 12:16 pm

100mg is too high

most will get nausea at the least


Posted : 10/14/2005 12:29 pm

go to ... great vitamin shop


Posted : 10/23/2005 7:28 pm

I think it's best to take zinc formulated with copper to avoid the copper deficiency angle.


Also, AFAIK, quite a lot of chromium doesn't contain GTF (glucose tolerance factor). If your diet/pills doesn't contain enough GTF then the chromium doesn't do anything.


Posted : 04/20/2009 10:06 pm

This sounds great if it works for you BUT please please please be careful with chromium especially so much. i read on another thread to try zinc and chromium. i must say that combo seemed to be helping my moderate/severe cystic acne a little bit and it may have steadily gotten even better but I had to STOP the chromium. After downing just 200 mcg one a day for 5 - 7 days (i cant remember it was about a month ago) I started waking up in the middle of the night with a slight muscle spasm which i ignored. then one night they got really bad. it looked like there was something trying to bust out of my side the muscle was jumping so rapidly out of my side. it hurt to breathe and i thought maybe i was having appendicitis! i was scared and almost considered asking my parents to take me to the hosiptal. the muscle spasms were so involuntary it was like i had lost total control over my right side, and i had no IDEA muscles could jump out that far when stimulated. i know it was the chromium because i still take the zinc with no problems except maybe minor stomach upset, and once i took out the chromium things were normal again immediately. i am 19 and assumed that that fairly small dose of chromium would help me since i think much of my acne is due to not metabolizing sugar properly, most persons in my family will grow up to develop diabetes (which chromium can be used for) but apparently it can build toxic stores in your liver and kidneys so be CAUTIOUS and if you have these symptoms QUIT the chromium please!


Posted : 04/21/2009 5:43 am

This thread is 4 years old. Moved to nutrition and holistic health.


Posted : 04/22/2009 5:26 am

Yes, and Dan, your voting page should also consist of "are you on another regimen as well?". Because maybe it's those two working together.. For me BP + zinc works like hell


Posted : 05/04/2009 4:19 am

zinc and chromium works great for me too
