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Why is my face so goddamn oily all of a sudden?


Posted : 11/15/2017 1:56 pm

After successfully using the oil cleansing routine for nearly an entire year (during which my face didnt look oily), I got acne (p. acne) -BUT I think thats cos I stupidly used shea butter as a moisturiser and its probs too heavy for my skin which allowed an anaerobic environment for breeding and development of the acne.

Anyhow, I was given duac (benzoyl peroxide 5% and clindamycin 1%) and told to cut oils from my skincare, and, yes my acne is packing up and leaving (btw Im also on lymecycline pills now), but holy guacamole is my skin all of a sudden VERY oily. I mean like 10 mins after cleansing and applying the duac which is meant to dry your skin, mine will have spread a nice layer of sebum as if the duac isnt even there. WHATDAHELL?

It looks like someone tried the wet-look and failed miserably and I never thought Id say this but its actually quite embarassing and I feel more self-conscious about it than I did when my acne as bad.


Oh and also while Im here, should I go back to the ocm just without the cursed shea butter or not risk it?


Posted : 11/15/2017 3:25 pm

Use some MILK OF MAGNESIA to zap that oil...gurantee it works.

Wash your face, apply MOM for about 10 minutes then rinse.


Posted : 11/15/2017 7:01 pm

No sh*t, Shirlock! :P Well, you're using BP, which supposed to dry out your skin. That's how the zits get zapped. The downside is now the sebum thinks that the oil-well is getting too low and it cranks up the oil production. Mind you, the sebum doesn't care about your zits. It only cares about maintaining the correct balance of oil. 

Fix: Cut down on BP and start applying moisturizer and the problem should go away in no time.
