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big red pimple with no head?


Posted : 09/19/2017 10:01 pm

i have this really bright red pimple at the tip of my nose. it has no head and is sort of painful. i tried popping it but nothing came out. unfortunately, going to a dermatologist isn't an option:( what can i do to get rid of this horrible pimple? it's so annoying and sooooo hard to cover up:( from what i've read, i think i have a blind pimple. i've seen some websites saying tea tree oil, benzoyl peroxide, or hot water will help. what will get this out the quickest? thank you. IMG_0345.JPG


Posted : 09/20/2017 12:27 pm

Suggest first dont touch it or squeeze it,thats inflammation and squeezing causes more deeper in the skin and will only promote it.

you can ride it out or put something like a good acne cream on it and see if it either gos down and away or if it comes to an head.if it starts to develop an head dont squeeze it,if you realy think it has to be squeezed then maje sure the whitehead is right at the surface and do so gently and cleanly.

pat your face dry after washing,try not to irritate it.
