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Tazorac week 7


Posted : 08/22/2017 8:21 pm

So I've been on tazorac for 7 weeks now and still getting cystic acne. Should I just stop and ask the doctor for a different medication?? When I originally went it was just hormonal acne on my chin, but now it's on my cheeks and their big and cystic.
I take bactrum and wash my face with cetaphil face wash.

Any suggestions??


Posted : 08/23/2017 2:09 pm

I had no luck with retinoids and I felt they made my skin worse. I would stop using it if I were you. If you do try a new medication I would recommend testing it out on a section of your face (top right part of forehead etc) for a month or so to see how your skin reacts before using it all over your face.
