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I HATE my diet, is Accutane worth it?


Posted : 12/03/2016 4:06 pm

To start off, I'm on a diet thats controlling my acne. Mind you, it doesn't get rid of it, but most part is controlled. However, the diet is VERY flimsy and I only restrict myself to 4-5 types of meals daily as I am scared to experiment as every time I mess up and eat something I think will be ok but is not, i get a really big cyst that ends up scarring my face 8 times out of 10. I have to constantly clean my bedsheets every 2 weeks and can't play rough contact sports in fear i'll cut myself and scar.
As a 20 year old with a social life and plans of exploring different places, this diet is a serious hamper on my lifestyle and I've been on this for about 4-5 months now. Alot of people say accutane is the last resort and all, yet when i see the final results they have clear skin and not a care in the world anymore. At this point in my life, I'm partially satisfied by the diet, but constantly stressed in a way.So i'm wondering if it Accutane really gave the results you were happy with? Was the experience really hard or not so bad? Did you ever worry about food or lifestyle after that or did you ever experience outbreaks after that?


Posted : 12/04/2016 3:54 pm

thanks for replying man. I actually scheduled an appointment on tuesday but honestly i've been still conflicted about whether i should take it. I was hoping it would be an end-all solution to solve everything. But i guess that would be too much to hope for. You are not the only account, I've heard several other people say that diet is ultimately the real solution and accutane is temporary. I'm probably being overly dramatic, the diet isn't god awful but it is certainly annoying, however if this truly is my only solution then I might as well get used to it and try to understand it better. Thanks for linking your blog! Its certainly very helpful and i will try it out.


Posted : 12/04/2016 10:53 pm

I was on a terribly restrictive diet for about a year. Mainly meat and vegetables. It caused terrible anxiety for me. Social interactions tend to center around food, so they became a constant source of stress. The quality food was expensive. It was horrifically inconvenient and time consuming to prepare my own food for every meal. But upfront, I'll say my situation is different from yours, because diet is only one of my triggers. Even when I eat perfectly, stress and hormones keep my acne flaring. Another difference -since you are 20, you could still grow out of your acne in the next few years. It was unlikely I would ever grow out of mine.

I refused accutane for nearly a decade, but ultimately decided to take it at age 26 because I wasn't enjoying my life anymore. I finished two months ago, and I have been clear for three months (even though I've been eating total garbage to make up for lost time). My acne might come back, but I'm going to try to live in the moment. Every one is different, but I am glad I finally gave it a try.


Posted : 12/05/2016 1:51 am

Hey Kay789 thats rough to hear. I'm glad you at least are enjoying life at the moment though. How was the accutane journey? was it tough or manageable? Was the Initial breakout bad or minimal? I would very much like to be updated on how things pan out for you. Accutane can range from a few months of clear skin to perhaps years even! So even if its temporary, it might still be a while.


Posted : 12/05/2016 8:45 am

Accutane was completely manageable for me. My only side effects were dry lips, hands, and face. The initial breakout wasn't horrible, but I did have one around week 3. It only lasted two weeks. Around week 6, I started to see improvement. Then on month 5 of my 5 month course, I became completely clear and have been since.
