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Accutane course question(s)


Posted : 12/01/2016 9:06 pm

Hi friends, 

Just a quick couple of questions about my very recently started accutane course. My derm started me on 60mg of Claravis per day (30mg in morning and at night) for what they hope will be a 5-6 month course. Currently on day 2. I am a little confused, however, because they told me that I would not be able to have my appointments any sooner than 5 weeks from the previous. I clarified that this meant I would take 30 days worth of the medication, and then be off for a week between each month. I have never heard of this before, being on for four weeks and taking a week off between months, but they insisted that they were required to do their accutane courses this way. From what I've read, I understand that the drug can stay in my system for up to a month after I stop taking it, but I'm still a little nervous that it won't be as effective as it could be if I take a week off every four weeks. Does anyone have any information on this kind of situation? If I'm going to be on this intense drug, I want to be committed and do it right. Haha.

Also, they INSISTED that there was no such thing as a 'purging' phase and that my acne would most likely not get any worse before it got better.  I'm skeptical of this, again, because of the stories I've read from other people. Has anyone been on accutane and NOT had an 'initial breakout' or a period where it got worse before it got better? 

Thank you in advance for any information!


Posted : 12/02/2016 9:01 am

I Googled missing days as I have missed a few, studies showed that missing upto a week of the course shouldn't effect the end results.

As for the purging... Absolutely. It was horrific for me, it is listed as a side effect in the leaflet and my dermatologist said pretty much everyone gets it. Hold tight.


Posted : 12/03/2016 3:53 pm

Fabulous, can't wait. 

Thanks for the response! That makes me feel more confident in the course that was planned for me :)
