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What could this bump be?


Posted : 04/21/2016 5:32 pm

So for about 6 months I've had a small white bump on my back that matched my skin and it would get smaller when I moisturized it. Within the last day it became dark pink reddish and is bigger. it isnt huge, but yea. When I pull the skin it appears to have white inside it. I do not believe it is acne, but I don't know. I'm hoping it isn't a cyst as in a non acne cyst that has to be surgically removed. It is smooth. I have been off accutane for 6 months. I used to get acne on my back and some cystic or nodule but this one looked like keratosis pilaris before it became more inflamed looking. I don't know how to treat it. It can't be popped with a needle. It itches too. It doesn't hurt though.


Posted : 04/21/2016 7:12 pm

It's probably fine but maybe have your derm have a look just in case. Hard to tell what is going on from your description, plus we're not doctors and can't diagnose.
