Do I have Pityrospo...
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Do I have Pityrosporum Folliculitis?


Posted : 02/23/2016 11:32 am

I was prescribed oxytetracycline for about 6 months 2 years ago for my acne on my forehead. It did clear my face at the time, but it just came back a few months later. Since then I have tried lots of topical treatments (decided to stay away from antibiotics as the last time it had severe impacts on my immune system) but none of them really worked completely. Now that I think of it, my condition doesn't look like the typical acne cases. Yes I do have pimples on some areas, but the thing that annoys me the most is the rough texture of my entire forehead. Tiny little bumps all over the place and it looks horrible in some lighting, even make up doesn't help much.

Last summer, I don't know exactly what it was (as I was trying many different things at the same time out of desperation) but my skin started to clearup and it got completely smooth with a little scarring. I was so happy, it had been too long! I am thinking it could be the herbal medicine I was taking for a month or two to generally boost immune system, but I'm not sure. Anyways, my clear skin didn't last long. I started taking oral contraceptive pills in November, and then I started breaking out again. That's when I did more research and came across pityrosporum folliculitis. That's when I realised that what I have may not be acne after all but a yeast infection due to overgrowth. A few points why this may be the case

  • It doesn't look a lot like acne with the comedones and whiteheads etc. Just tiny bumps that don't pop and are stubborn as ****. Pictures below.
  • I took antibiotics for 6 months and they are known to cause yeast overgrowth by killing the good bacteria.
  • After reading about the possible yeast infection, I got an antifungal topical treatment (Nizoral) and it cleared my skin within days (however it recurred and now it doesn't seem to be working anymore so I'm doubtful again)
  • I am still taking birth control pills and I read that they could trigger the yeast imbalance again (I did switch to a pill that fights acne, since I also have normal pimples but it's only been a week)
  • Typical acne topical treatments never seem to work.

I don't really know what the point of this post is, but I am just hoping to get some advice and input from people who may have experience something similar. I am trying the Candida diet, but it has only been 2 days. I don't really seem to be showing any other yeast related symptoms,though. Is it possible to only affect the skin? Here are the pictures, I'm not sure if the bumps are clearly visible. I do think I have acne,as there are clear pimples visible, but they usually come and go.. it's the general roughness that is driving me crazy at the moment :(. Does anyone have a  similar case, can anyone tell me what my skin condition is? And perhaps why the Nizoral cream isn't working anymore?


Thank you so much for reading!

DeLovely liked

Posted : 02/23/2016 5:40 pm

It's certainly possible that it's fungal folliculitis. But it's hard to get a diagnosis because doctors don't recognize it as well as they should. Do they itch? Are they anywhere other than your face? I really don't believe in the whole candida overgrowth fad, and I don't think going on a diet will clear it. If you can get your hands on an oral anti-fungal, I'd try that. But if it doesn't clear up pretty quickly, it's likely just acne.

I have the same breakout as you do, with a really bumpy texture. But antibiotics didn't work and neither did antifungals. Turns out, it's acne and I have to go on accutane. My dermatologist said that folliculitis usually really red and itchy. So if yours isn't, I'd guess it's just acne.


Posted : 02/25/2016 7:25 pm

Your acne is actually looking sort of similar to what I'm dealing with on my face now. I was about to make a post till I found this. About 2 weeks ago my mother (who's a nurse) suggested I take 150mg of fluconazole (you can find it under brand names Diflucan or CanesOral at pharmacies, very pricey, about $20 for 1 pill) and about a week after that the texture and inflammation of my skin radically changed. Very flat and very even toned. About a week later I had a huge re-surge on my face and I'm currently dealing with that. I took another fluconazole a couple days ago and im hoping that it was what helped so much. I don't want to give any bad advice but you could try picking up a fluconazole or try using an anti-fungal/ anti-seborrheic soap like something that contains zinc pyrithione.

swoleMom and DeLovely liked

Posted : 02/27/2016 9:44 am

I am still applying the Nizoral cream, which has ketacozanole , but I don't see any progress, I'm not sure if the oral anti-fungal will work either. That's the thing about these treatments, they only treat the symptoms and it will come back. That's why I have started the candida diet, although I really don't know what to expect. I'm just at the point of "I don't know what else to do".


Posted : 03/02/2016 5:50 am


It's almost like I am reading my own post. I have the exact same problem as you (itchy, under the skin bumps on the forehead). I attribute these to perhaps going on and off the pill too quick in succession, andalso doing a lot of intensive exercise and getting very sweaty regularly. Being on birth control is one of the things that can disrupt the balance of your stomach and cause yeast overgrowth. Like you, I don't have any other symptoms so I'm not sure if it is Candida.

However, I am also roughly following the candidadiet - I am also taking probiotics daily. I am also considering taking some other anti fungals (grapefruit seed extract, oil of oregano). I have also ordered a 2% topical ketaconzanole cream from Ebay and I am going to apply this topically.

I will keep you updated.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 03/02/2016 3:38 pm

You might be better off looking into acne treatments. Candida overgrowth is pretty hotly debated, a lot of people think it doesn't exist all. While I don't agree with that, I do think that candida overgrowth is unlikely. I have to say, at one point I self-diagnosed myself with fungal folliculitis, and it turned out to be plain old acne. I spent so many months trying to treat it like it was folliculitis, that it got out of control, and now I'm on Accutane. If the bumps don't itch, I'd presume it is acne and just treat it as such.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 03/05/2016 8:33 pm


Yes, I am aware of Candida not being a thing, but at this point I am thinking there is only one way to find out. I've got nothing to lose, apart from a few cravings here and there. It's  not like I stopped acne treatment completely, I am applying benzoyl peroxide every night.

Having said that, I'm not sure if it's the Candida diet or some other factor, but I feel like the tiny bumps are decreasing! My forehead texture does seem smoother, even if not completely smooth. I am still lightly applying the Nizoral cream though. However, I am having more pimple breakouts. Like big red inflamed papules, that turn into pustules :(

For some reason it's only on my forehead, every other part of my face is completely acne and scar free. There must be something to it, right? I will post picture updates soon.


Posted : 03/07/2016 9:40 pm

Lab reports and three different dermatologist told me I havePityrosporum Folliculitis,Perforating Folliculitisconsistent withSuperfical Pustural Folliculitis. They also noted thatInfiltrating Keratosis Pilariswas also possible. Somewhat of a jaw-breaker.

It's honestly tough to tell different types of folliculitis. They all sort of look the same. In my case, they come in different shapes or forms. Sometimes red, something white, something brutally red in a huge diameter.

I've been on Claravis 40mg per day for past 40 days and I'm hopeful that in 5 months this nightmare will be over. It's been plaguing my arms, shoulders and upper back for past few years.

Good luck to you! I wish I could offer more advice but Folliculitis appears to be extremely complicated and utterly annoying. Have you tried Clindamycin at all? I find it OK to help bring redness down but it's one of those things where you always have to use it.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 03/25/2016 3:21 pm

Hi Little_One11, I've dealt with PF now for 2 years on my forehead. Based on my experience and what you have described..I'd say it's PF. The anti-fungals will clear it up and then it comes back. It's good your doing the anti-Candidia diet. I had to also change my diet completely to see normal skin again, keep a steady PH level, workout, drink a lot of water, and take a potent probiotic, like 50-100 billion daily. The key difference between acne and PF is the terrible itchiness. You won't believe how many times I told my derm i don't have acne problems...its fungal. Also, a MAJOR disrupt for me was my internal house's humidity level. I never noticed but my house is so tightly sealed and moisture can't get out after showers and cooking (i have a small home). Humidity level was around 70-80 at night perfect for mold and yeast to grow. I figured this out because my dog was also experience yeast infections and "I never had this forehead PF before living in my new home". Hope this helps. Like to hear how the diets goes. I'm firmly believe it's both internal (gut) and external (humidity and sweat) and doing too much makes it worse. Actually last thing...give it time. I'm on month 3 of curing it...and have better weeks a week at a time but know it's improving.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 04/13/2016 7:15 am

Hey guys! Thank you for all your input and replies. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a bit but I am a bit stressed and busy with exams right now. As for my skin, I have to say it's clearing up again :) I have a lot of scarring but the texture is smooth with only one or two pimples here and there.

As for whether what I had was folliculitis or not, I will never know for sure, but my skin did become a lot smoother after going on the diet for  a month. It may be coincidence, it may be something else, but my skin changed. Unfortunately, the big red bumps persisted until just about a week ago. So now, I'm not even getting those kind of breakouts!

However, just like every single time, I cannot say what it is that changed it. I can only give a list of things I've been trying out:

  • relieving stress through (almost) daily yoga
  • changing shampoo
  • applying benzoyl peroxide cream and washing with salicylic acid face wash daily
  • I took the herbal medicine again for two weeks that treat my inner organs (especially my kidney as I had a kidney infection last winter)

I do not know if this will last, or if my acne will come back. But I will not give up and I will keep you updated!

DeLovely liked

Posted : 04/13/2016 9:24 am

Only a dermatologist could diagnose whether it's PF or just plain acne, but if acne treatments are working, I'm inclined to think it really is acne after all.

Good luck and hope you continue to stay clear! :)
