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Vitamins Working Well For Pih


Posted : 08/04/2015 7:23 pm

Okay my skin was so awfully pigmented I wanted to try do something about it. I looked back at photos of my skin from a year ago when my acne was just as bad as it is now but my PIH was so little compared to the awful mess of red marks it is now.


So I was taking a lot of vitamins back then but had stopped months later as they were having no effect on my actual acne. So I just thought what if it was the vitamins that were helping me combat the PIH so I picked up the same vitamins and introduced them into my diet again. Within a month I noticed how the redness had turned a lightish pink and the pinkish marks had faded aswell. This is after months and months of my marks being bright red and not changing even slightly. Its now coming up to two months and its still seems to be improving. I have hit my initial breakout from being on Accutane but Its not even bothering me as the improvement I can see in my marks just because of some simple multivitamins and some vitamin C.


I know vitamins don't really work with everyone but its definietly worth checking it out for a few months. Heres hoping it only gets even better.
