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On The Hunt For The Right Regimen


Posted : 04/20/2015 10:06 pm

I am a 22-year-old female and have been struggling with acne for about 4 years now. When my skin is REALLY good, I have a few pimples on or near my jaw line and chin, and perhaps the occasional forehead zit. And when my skin is at its worst, I have the full cystic acne beard and forehead intruders plaguing my face. The cysts are inflamed, painful, and absolutely depressing.

During bad breakouts, I tend to isolate myself. Friends and acquaintances think I have a very weak immune system, but only my mom, two best friends, and significant other at the time know that when I say Im feeling junk, its more likely acne-related depression than the sniffles.

It was actually the introduction of this significant other in my life that made me think about joining one of these forums. He encouraged me to stop wearing makeup to see if my skin will improve, and as my desire to spend time with him outweighed my inclination to isolate myself, I chose to change my perspective on my acne.

I chose my username cognac browns because of my eyes. I had a pivotal moment during my last depressive episode. I had a staring contest with my reflection and noticed that I had really pretty brown eyes. And despite the inflamed monstrosities bordering my head, I noticed I was still beautiful.

Yes, the acne is sometimes a heartbreaking inconvenience. Yes, I am covetous of my friends with baby butt smooth complexions. But I can still be beautiful.

Acne triggers

Stress! And anytime I weep. It usually takes a week for the acne to show up afterwards, but it does show up

Anything affecting my hormone levels. I recently took Plan B, and that big dose of levonorgestrel totally screwed me up.

Sickness. If I have a bacterial infection and take antibiotics for it, the killing of the bacteria causing my illness makes the bacteria causing my acne go nuts. (What my dermatologist says)

Things that DONT work

Salicylic acid, benzyol peroxide, or strong retinoid creams. They irritate and dry my skin too much. The struggle of having sensitive skin and cystic acne

Antibiotics. Well, these have worked. But I feel like my body builds a resistance to minocycline. I dont want to have to keep upping the dosage. Theres got to be a better way

I was using Palmers skin therapy face oil, which feels AMAZING. It does kind of work for acne. But the retinol in it does make my face red, and living in Hawaii makes dodging the sun a near-impossible feat.

What Im currently using

Combination birth control (levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol)

Spironolactone 50mg (Just started this a week ago)

Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser

Coconut oil overnight (I occasionally add lavender oil to it)

Yes to Grapefruit tinted sunscreen under Jane Iredale powder during the day

Acnetame supplement (one pill twice a day)

I am also no longer eating any foods containing dairy, gluten, and nuts.

And I have an appointment soon to get my birth control changed to a less-androgenic progestin birth control, which will probably help a lot.

I'll be updating this post as my skin (hopefully) improves, and hopefully my journey can give insight to any other girls with similar predispositions to acne.


Posted : 04/22/2015 4:06 am

I can really relate to your story. I am 22 as well, and have tried a lot of prescription drugs for my acne. They never seem to work for long, and I found that all the chemicals such as BP and salicylic acid just tend to make it worse. I would always cover everything up with foundation and concealer, until my bf finally convinced me he loved me for all that I am and all that I look like. He's actually supporting my desire to go completely natural now, which is a blessing. It's funny how it often takes someone else to finally see your own inner and outer beauty, but also kinda sad...

I do hope your current regime will really help you and your skin! :)

x DC


Posted : 04/30/2015 1:42 am

I'm 27 now but can relate to you when I was 22 as well. I was actually 24 when I joined because it got so bad.


Start here if you want:


I never took birth control and quit all my other acne supplements, so I can't tell you for sure to expect anything from them, but I am very familiar with the sunlight sensitivity for I use to burn easily on that kind of stuff. After quitting it was a blessing not to be worried about that stuff anymore.


When you are sick, it's no surprise you get acne, because your gut and immune system is temporarily weakened. I will still get some acne if I get sick, but because I eat well it doesn't happen as often ;).


I can tell you that if you stress easily, sleep will especially help this. Also, no energy drinks, caffeine or gatorade for these tend to agitate people more if they can get stressed out easily. Drink mainly water if you can.


Cetaphil is a good face wash brand, I used it when I was on Dan's Regimen. And if you can get your hands on Cetaphil then maybe you can find Curel... it's a body lotion I would actually recommend for the face because a.) you can but the non-fragrance bottle and b.) it has fewer ingredients than others and light enough to not clog the pores (at least in my case).


And alas... VEGETABLES.


Good luck!
