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Dangerously Depressed. Excisions, Anyone?


Posted : 01/20/2015 12:24 am

Is there anyone who wants to discuss excisions/vent/share feelings? I had one, will need another one to fix it. I feel I can't handle this depression alone anymore without speaking to people who get it and have been through it or are considering excisions. Please. Anybody feel free to reach out. I'm really at the end of the line. I literally am feeling like I need to quit my job because I can't function anymore. I have read through all the related posts on here but they are from so many years ago.


Posted : 01/20/2015 12:30 am

dont quit your job.. i did it at one time in my life and was out of work for 8 months. i understand your need to know somethings in life we just cant change.. this being one of them. try your hardest to life your life to the fullest and to be happy. if you cant find happiness in yourself try to find it in nature or in your family. i hope things get better for you..your in my prayers.


Posted : 01/20/2015 12:38 am

Thank you yerp. I've been unemployed a lot in my life so I just started taking on temporary assignments (suffered from ptsd)..i couldn't function at work . This job was just supposed to carry me over until I get the hell away from abusive family to go to grad school. They keep extending my time at the job which would be awesome if I wasn't so depressed because of scar surgery issues. There's a guy I like, on top of everything, at my work who I can barely speak to because I feel so sick of reapplying makeup to cover indentation.. What do you mean things can't change? They can, I am just exhausted from trying. :(


Posted : 01/20/2015 12:56 pm

<p>What kind of scars are you dealing with first of all?&nbsp;</p>


<p>And don't let anyone suggest to you that there is no hope because that's false. There's always room for improvement. Most of those people that suggest otherwise have given up too early.</p>


<p>The younger the better. I'm 19 considering laser and subcision.</p>


<p>Just because someone failed doesn't mean you have to</p>


Posted : 01/21/2015 1:29 am

Thank you so much Robert, I really needed to hear that!!..i have been through utter hell:( i have lost hope but can't shake this feeling that I know it can be vastly improved. It's a line scar from excision...and I've seen some very nicely healed lines...this one tore open so of course it will appear indented...i go insane trying to fill indent with makeup. The tiny part which didn't open looks ok so I know it's possible for the opened part to look better if closed properly! If anyone knows a good excision dr. In California please let me know. ..I've been to them all it seems..


Posted : 01/21/2015 1:40 am

Wow, so many fucked up stories on here! Just be glad to know that you are not alone in this shit. And you know the best par of being betrayed by everyone you love? You have no expectations to live up to! No one to impress or make proud of you! You can live and be free!

There are so many fucked up people with fucked up mindsets out there. Now you get the chance to be you and do whatever the FUCK you wanna do! Just let go of all the fucked up things. If you let them hold you back, you eill die and look back and be like, "fuck! I wish i did this! I wish I asked this person out. I wish I went to Memohis or Japan like I always wanted to. I could have done it all, but I didnt!"

Thid is your chance to take advantage of your freedom.
I'm %100 percent serious about everything I just said.


Posted : 01/21/2015 2:28 am

Thank you melloman, it's so good to know I'm not alone...only you guys understand and I should have posted here sooner than go alone through my pain and hell...even if nobody responded to my very very first post awhile back when I had just had the excision.

I am a little confused who you're talking about when you say people who have betrayed though. I agree it's freeing but I don't know who in my post you were referring to as betraying me. Would you explain a little more pls?


Posted : 01/21/2015 9:15 am

i know how u feel. when i fucked up my face i hide in a cave for the last 3 years. just did my taxes and reported 1800 for the year.. and im 27. i have so much catchup to do. i still dont feel confident when going out with my friends and im to poor to do anything about it.


Posted : 01/21/2015 12:56 pm

Is there anyone who wants to discuss excisions/vent/share feelings? I had one, will need another one to fix it. I feel I can't handle this depression alone anymore without speaking to people who get it and have been through it or are considering excisions. Please. Anybody feel free to reach out. I'm really at the end of the line. I literally am feeling like I need to quit my job because I can't function anymore. I have read through all the related posts on here but they are from so many years ago.

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. I empathize with you. It's hard, I know. I suffer from BDD (do you?) and went through a very bad depression about 2 years ago. Medication helps. So does therapy. So does exercise. I'm not 'cured' and I still have terrible days (yesterday for example) BUT doing these things CAN reduce the dark days.

Can you tell me more about your failed excision? How big was your scar? Do you know if it was a punch or a scalpel excision? I'm considering it myself but every time I read a story like yours, I am afraid.


Posted : 01/22/2015 9:51 pm

Write you all back soon! Thank you for the much. It helps


Posted : 01/22/2015 10:00 pm

Hey, maybe get it re-excised and get botox put in a few days beforehand. There are some studies showing this can make a much more acceptable scar. I personally haven't had this done but I am just about to for a pox scar on my forehead. Make sure he uses a layer of subcutaneous (underlying) dissolvable stiches and preferably skin glue or very very file sultures on top. All of this should prevent it from reopening and make a much more acceptable scar!! I came on here to ask if anyone had already had this exact procedure then saw you post, i felt really bad for you because I feel very similar after having pox at 24 and being left with 15 holes in my face. Anyway, thought this may give you something to think about as I know you can go round in circles looking for a solution sometimes, hope it helps!

Here is an article


Posted : 01/23/2015 8:42 pm


Oh, I'm sorry. I must have been reading 2 stories at once when I posted this. There was this girl/boy on here who was raped and had PTSD from it. I don't know how I could have posted this on the wrong topic.
But I really thought it was you. Weird.


I did a search and I found out it WAS you. I apologize. I assumed it was a family member who did that to you. I don't know why. Anyways, I hope you don't let it get to you the rest of your life. There was a time when I kept having nightmares about shit that happened to me, but that was only when I thought about too much, insecure, and let it bother me. Most of the time, I just focused on things I enjoyed, made me happy, or laugh. I don't know if that could possibly work for you, because that's suh an awful and traumatizing experience, but I do hope you make it through. There's still millions of things to explore and do out there, and I hope you enjoy them! laughing everyday can be a huge help.

You probably don't need my crappy advice, but go crazy! Too many people don't realize that this is THEIR life and they can do whatevr they want to do! Don't die and look back with regrets! Will you be like "oh, i wish i did this!" or "I wish I experienced this!" Cuz you CAN NOW! This is you. You do you. Do your thing.

You probably didnt need all this, but this is how I feel.
