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Nobody Understands Me...


Posted : 12/18/2014 3:36 pm

Hey Guys,

I have Mild -> Moderator acne, but my skin is SO ugly! It's filled with scars from cystic acne and there's so much discoloration. My skin tone isn't even at all!

Anyways, there use to be a time where my acne was "meh", I would pick at it and it wouldn't scar.
But ever since I tried this Korean BB cream, I feel like my skin type just changed! I feel like that BB cream made my skin weak and I had a HUGEEEEEEEE breakout from it.

Ever since that BB cream, my skin has never been the same. I get pimples SO easily, the BB cream truly changed my skin (how? I don't know)

Anyways, so now I'm trying to eat the "acne diet". Which includes:
- Less red meat
- Less fruits (citric acid?)
- More vegetables
- Reduce my intake of white rice (I'm asian...)
- Avoid tofu (Soy)
- Avoid deep fried foods
- Eat more salads

You know the drill.
But I'm asian and us asians we LOVE to eat a lot (or so I use to). Ever since I wanted to go on this acne diet, my parents have been SO mad at me. They're like "You have to eat more white rice! You have to to eat more fruits! How could you not eat more meat, you're already so skinny!"

They don't believe everything I say and they think I'm making all this information up. I've googled and checked the forums and almost everything that I believe causes acne is true - at least for me.

Is anybody else on board?!



Posted : 12/18/2014 4:26 pm

Well I'm Asian too but I gave up on rice, bread, pasta, basically any grain or gluten contained foods. Everyone loves to eat a lot but unfortunately for me and possibly you, the food we base our daily calories from is what causes break outs. I'm not saying this is the case for you, but it is for me so it's possible.

I don't reduce, I cut things out until I feel like it's okay to reintroduce certain foods. My skin has changed for the better and I've only been doing my personal diet for about 2-3 weeks or so ~ to the point where it's convincing my family that it is type of foods that caused me to break out and that's saying A LOT. You should know what typical Asian moms say. And of course they say it's ridiculous but I just say "shh" I'm doing me fool, I know what's best for me from test & trials.

Not sure why you're cutting out some foods you listed but hey, you have to test & trial yourself. What works for me won't necessarily work for you. That's why I had to do everything MY way. No doctors, no listening to anyone on this forum, etc. I'm just giving thoughts and opinions as to what's steadily working for me on this forum, no one else.

I wish you luck on your diet.. It's hard to keep up but if I were to advise you on one thing: After several observations, test & trials, you should know the possible causes. Don't just reduce intake, cut them out completely.


Posted : 12/18/2014 4:30 pm

You can check out my topic. That's how I'm curing mine. Except I actually got tested for it. If you want food tests, I suggest you either see a naturopath, or just do some research before deciding what you want to get tested for. I got tested for food sensitivities. That's not the same as allergies or intolerances. Research them and figure out which you would prefer to get tested on, or test all 3. Also, gut health, digestive health, and leaky gut are good things to get tested for. They all involve the food that you eat.


Posted : 12/18/2014 6:13 pm

I eat organic rice everyday ( I'm asian also ), and it doesn't break me out. Try to eat only ORGANIC food, no GMOs, no processed foods, ect. 60% of what I consume are vegetables, 30% fruits, and the remaining is fish ( salmon <3 ). My mom chastised me at first for my radical, new diet, but she then slowly assimilated to my diet also. LOL. Abide with the diet for at least 3 months if you want to see results.

And if I may ask, what kind of BB cream was it? My favorite BB cream is MISSHA. :)


Posted : 12/19/2014 12:45 pm

Mine was by MISSHA too.
Maybe I was just seriously allergic to the ingredients in it, but I'm positive my skin has forever changed, negatively, since the BB cream touched my face.

Fruits give me acne, no doubt about it.
It's so weird. I'll have almost no pimples (I still have a LOT of scars tho) and once I eat any type of fruit, BAM - pimples.
