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Someone Help Identify My Problem Please 🙂


Posted : 12/18/2014 1:43 pm


Ive had acne since I was 15 - until 20yrs of age, I took accutane 40mg i tihnk it was, for 6 months - after that there was some redness and flushing but the acne was gone forever.

As of the past year or so I get randomly - and it can show up within 10 seconds, a collection of tiny dots i that together form a sort of bumpy rash on my face, it itches, and lasts a few hrs until it goes away and becomes activated some other day or moment. Very annoying, and I'd like to know if anyone has experienced this before, what can be done, IF anything can be done, and perhaps help identify what exactly the problem is to begin with. Rosacea? I'm completely lost. Just generaly after accutane, my skin never really went to fully being happy again... seems tired and im just 25. .





Posted : 12/18/2014 4:45 pm

Ok , it's hard to see the bumps.

But my advice it's to go back to the dermatologist and ask, because the skin condition that is presenting now is a new one as you describe it.

It could be some eczema,atopic dermatitis or fungal infection.

Do you have any fungal infection on your body?

Take care of any fungal infection on your feet, if any.

I'm convinced that fungus can be transfer from my hands to my face.

But , this is just my guessing, please go back to your dermatologist, your face looks really clear and nice, and because of that doctors can diagnose the condition faster , before it gets out of control.

Also , beware of the topical corticosteroids used for the face, they take care of the redness but later on induce acne form lesions, at least in my case.

They also thinned my skin and made it kind of leathery.

My daughter ,After using ziana for over a year, her face cleared but then , all of a sudden she developed redness and inflammation, back to the dermatologist, she wanted to put her on corticosteroids and hydrocortisone creams,I said, no way.
