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Last Resort Accutane


Posted : 08/11/2014 11:49 am

Hey guys,

I'm 27 and have been suffering from cystic acne off and onsince around age 21.

Last year was my worst year and I tried every possible thing available prescription and over the counter but had no luck.

I've been on Dianette for the past 10 months and although it has improved the general look of my skin, reduced oiliness and regular pimples, I still get painful cysts monthly. And anyway I can't stay on birth control forever if I want to ever have kids and I do.

After wasting yet another week of my life hiding indoors with horribly painful cysts, I've decided to give in and ask for accutane.

It was offered to me last year but I decided against it due to horror stories read online.

Now I've decided to go for it. I don't want to waste more of my life suffering physically and emotionally from this.

I'm seeing my dermatologist tomorrow, hoping he will still be happy to prescribe it to me.

I know it's a long process so probably wouldn't be starting it for a few weeks but I was wondering if any of you had any advice or stories to share?

Also my acne is severe in itself (cystic) but I mean I only get maybe 1 or 2 cysts a month, will accutane help anyway?

I'm very scared of this drug, I didn't want to go on it but I just can't live like this anymore.




Posted : 08/11/2014 12:17 pm

Hey there! Don't let the horror stories scare you. I'm myself am on accutane currently and I must say the results are awesome :D I had like 5-6 cysts and like hundreds of tiny white heads everyday and now those things are slowly going out of my system, and its just been 41 days since I started using it, I have more 160 days to go. I haven't faced much of side effect, dry lips, dry skin and joint ache(only sometimes though and they aren't so painful). I strongly recommend you to go for it :) I wish all your acne troubles get solved :) And Ya I even did have an initial breakout :D
