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No Exfoliation


Posted : 04/13/2014 11:38 pm

Okay I know this is weird but hear me out I haven't exfoliated for a week and I'm amazed at how much my face improved one thing I noticed is my skin isn't oily at all another thing is fine lines have disappeared too my face looks younger but when I do exfoliate my face gets fine lines around mouth, skin is really oily, and I break out and yes I do moisturize after exfoliation I know this might sound weird but try not exfoliating for bit it might help I think what happens is when you exfoliate you take your faces natural oils away, but if you don't exfoliate you don't get oily skin or pimples because your face has it natural oils still there and when you exfoliate your face is even more vulnerable to sun damage and other things which is probably why my fine lines went away but I don't know the real reason why my skin is better when I don't exfoliate heck I even noticed my dark spots healing. What I do is use lukewarm water and noxzema deep cleansing cream which I rub all over my face gently then when I'm done rinse with cool water and my face looks way better.
