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Washing My Face Even With Plain Water...i End Up Itching!


Posted : 02/04/2014 6:25 pm

No matter what I do to my skin. If I wash it in anyway shape or form...even using the most gentle cleansers...even just splashing my face with skin will itch and then it comes up in blobs and that then leads to me having more spots than I already get. What the hell do I do :'( How am I meant to wash my face! :'( im sick of it!


Posted : 02/04/2014 7:03 pm

if you dont wash your face then your pores will get clogged with dead skin = acne


Posted : 02/04/2014 7:16 pm

I know that :( That's why im asking what I should can I wash it and not have it irritated. Cause its giving me acne by washing it :'(


Posted : 02/04/2014 7:24 pm

Washing with just water isn't necessarily less irritating than washing with a cleanser. The main thing is that you moisturise. If you simply cleanse your face, you're going to suffer with irritated skin. You should possibly try a cream-based cleanser and a heavy-duty moisturiser.

A good friend of mine on this forum recommended I use A-Derma skin care care cream and it really has improved the overall feel of my skin. Prior to using it, I had really itchy and red skin.


Posted : 02/04/2014 7:26 pm

LewisS I use olive oil on my face before then washing with a that my face isn't dry by the end. But I still itch...nothing seems to work.


Posted : 02/04/2014 7:35 pm

LewisS I use olive oil on my face before then washing with a that my face isn't dry by the end. But I still itch...nothing seems to work.

By the sounds of it, your skin is just like mine. Although I can improve itchiness, it never fully alleviates. So I completely get how you feel.

I do believe that cleansing less and being more gentle when applying products helps a lot. Other than that, I'm clueless myself. If I work it out, I'll make sure to let you know.


Posted : 02/04/2014 7:39 pm

Hmmm im as gentle as I can be :( I find splashing my face with water irritates the crap out of it and wherever the water trickles down my neck it seems to itch there too? Sometimes I wonder if im allergic to water lol Unfortunately I wear makeup everyday and have to wash it :( Going to be trying Paula's choice BHA and AHA lotions soon to exfoliate my skin as I cant even manually exfoliate with the gentlest of scrubs. I tried using rice flour and olive oil the other day and it still irritated my skin.

What products to you use atm? Thanks for replying btw. :)


Posted : 02/04/2014 7:43 pm

I use Johnson's top-to-toe baby wash because it's free of sulfates. Still, I get itchy throughout the day. It's a lot better than anything overly harsh though. If my skin feels fresh in a morning (which is rare!) I'll skip a wash and just cleanse at night. After cleansing I moisturise thoroughly which I find is an imperative step to preventing skin feeling irritated afterwards.

It's really aggravating and I know how you feel. Sometimes I think there's psychological aspects to maybe we are too conscious of how our skin feels? When I take my mind off it, the itching is less of an issue.


Posted : 02/04/2014 8:33 pm

No matter what I do to my skin. If I wash it in anyway shape or form...even using the most gentle cleansers...even just splashing my face with skin will itch and then it comes up in blobs and that then leads to me having more spots than I already get. What the hell do I do :'( How am I meant to wash my face! :'( im sick of it!

The answer to your dilemma is...Let's hear the drumroll...


Potato also soothes redness. But try honey first.


Posted : 02/04/2014 10:52 pm

Like the person above said, I use honey on my skin and it really helps to sooth and mosturize it! Use raw organic honey.


Another thing I've done is iced my face. I personally take an ice pack, wrap in in a clean dishtowel and I place it on my (clean) face. It won't help with the washing lol but it has helped me with itchiness in the past! Try to keep your skin mosturized but don't use a thick mosturizer, that can clog up the pores even more.


Good luck!


Posted : 02/05/2014 7:57 pm

No matter what I do to my skin. If I wash it in anyway shape or form...even using the most gentle cleansers...even just splashing my face with skin will itch and then it comes up in blobs and that then leads to me having more spots than I already get. What the hell do I do :'( How am I meant to wash my face! :'( im sick of it!

I'm totally with you here Midnight ! I have the exact same problem. I seem to react to everything and I can't explain how frustrating it is . My skin goes really blotchy and itchy after using tap water. So I have to put money aside to buy mineral water to wash it with. I use Volvic because of its pH level. I would recommend giving bottled water a try because I think were reacting to the chlorine or other chemical in tap water.

Only trouble is, obviously its inconvenient and costs a lot of money over time. But its the only thing I can do.

You could try just rinsing with bottled water instead of doing the whole cleanse with it. At least rinsing will remove the tap water chemicals .

Hypersensitive skin like this is a pain in the ass !!

I wish I could use the OCM but I can't because there's no way I can rub my skin, especially not hold a hot cloth over it because that would kill it.

There only cleansers I can use without too much trouble are :

Cucumber juice cleanser by 100 Percent Pure. Its pricey but really is super gentle. Its mainly made up of cucumber and aloe vera juice.

And the Foaming Rose cleanser by Handmade Naturals. - this one is my fave because it gives a deeper clean but is still very mild. It also contains Apple Cider Vinegar so it tones your skin while cleansing it. No need to use a separate toner.
