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19 Days On Paleo, Still Not Good Results.


Posted : 01/28/2014 8:32 am

Ok guys, I'm kinda hopeless at the moment. So, let me start, I'm 17, male and live in Brazil.

Since January 9th all I'm eating is meat (with no visible fat), chicken (no skin), fish, eggs, lettuce (with some olive oil) and tomatoes, cauliflowers, okra and lots of fruits, like bananas, apples, pears, papaya, oranges, mangoes, grapes. The fruits, I eat plenty of them during the day, as I cant eat anything else because it would mean getting out of the diet.

I ate a plate of capeletti/ravioli (contains lots of wheat) 3 times during this, some fried fish (I think fried things are bad, right?), fried chicken once and a burger (containing cheese, bread and the bad meat) from a local snack bar. NO grains, NO candy, NO canned food, NO processed food whatsoever.

My skin was VERY good some days ago, I even thought I was cured, but then again I started to have some small zits and a fucking big one which took 4 days to heal.

Anyone know what I may be doing wrong? I'm using no cleansers, no BP, nothing, even though I have some Epiduo left in my stock.

Am I eating too much sweet fruit?

My 2014 class starts in like a week, and I thought I would finally be acne free but it's not looking so great.

At least I lost a lot of weight and my body is now very good looking.

ps; I recently noticed I can go like 5 days without using a shampoo and my hair doesnt get oily, which definitely didnt happen without paleo diet, this is probably a good sign.

ps2; I think my face is a bit less oily, but still very oily, mainly when I wake up in the morning.


Posted : 01/30/2014 11:47 pm

Uhm the burger, bread, ravioli, fried fish,bananas, oranges,fried chicken, are my guess why you are not seeing results. Fruits are good as long as you eat like 1 per meal with fat/protein/fiber. Keep taking foods out


Posted : 01/31/2014 3:14 pm

Why oranges and bananas? I thought they were ok to eat.


Posted : 02/04/2014 3:03 pm

Bananas are high in sugar are is a common food people break out from, and oranges are the devil to a lot of people on here.


Posted : 02/04/2014 7:55 pm

Although a clean diet is fantastic for your health in general - diet it isn't always to core cause of your acne. Genetics are often the root cause. BUT (there's always a but) the foods we eat have an effect on our hormones. Definitely try reduce your sugar intake (natural and otherwise) and possibly try eliminating your wheat/gluten intake for a period of time and see if that improves your condition; it could certainly be an intolerance.

Good luck!


Posted : 02/07/2014 7:31 am

Thanks for the answers, I just ate 3 bananas yesterday and now an orange, before reading this :D


Posted : 02/10/2014 2:20 am

Hey there! First of all there is no need to be hopeless. There is a solution to your problem. Okay? Second of all and most importantly, diets DO NOT work overnight. Youve been doing this diet for about three weeks and that is not a very long period of time at all. It takes weeks upon weeks for your body to process the toxins that are built up inside of you. It is a great thing that you are a conscious of what you are eating and please dont stop doing this EVER just because you arent getting instant results. Okay lastly, lets talk about what you should eat and what you shouldnt. You said you are trying not to eat grains but you are eating fried foods. DO NOT eat fried foods. Fried chicken is coated in flour which is a grainif you eat anything out of a deep fryer it is soaking in unhealthy fats and leftover batter from what was fried previously. Just stay away from fried foods entirely.

I would recommend eating grains however so long as they are not processed in any way. Rice, quinoa, millet, etc pretty much anything besides wheat because a lot of people tend to be allergic or sensitive to wheat. I would also recommend not eating dairy at all, as its been shown to worsen acne for a lot of people and it is a very unnatural thing to drink milk that is made for another animals babies in my humble opinion. I would also avoid cane sugar as it is very likely to cause inflammation. And obviously, no alcohol either. As for the fruit, I really see no reason why you shouldnt chow down on fruit all day long if you feel like thats satisfying and what you need. Fruit do have a lot of sugar but they also have a lot of fiber which balances it out. Personally though, if all I eat is fruit, I never really feel satisfied and just want to eat all day. Okay so to summarize I recommend: no wheat, no dairy, no fried foods, no alcohol, no processed sugar. I suffered from acne for 8 years and cured it completely by doing this diet. Hope this helps! Good luck.


Posted : 02/11/2014 8:32 am

Hm, I see. It was a bit early to be desperate, haha. I was only 3 weeks in, while also cheating a lot, and expecting super good results. Well, I made this thread about two weeks ago, which means that now Im on the diet for a bit more than a month. In these last two weeks, I watched closely everything I ate, my body didnt get a single gram of wrong food (foods that are restrict in Loren Cordain's book).

Surprisingly, my face is getting better than ever. I dont plan on stopping it any time soon, as I'm seeing nice improvements in my body in general.

Thanks guys, this forum is awesome.
