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Supplements, Protein, Etc.


Posted : 12/04/2013 12:01 pm


Hi Everyone,

I have been using Isotretinoine (Accutane) for about 5 months now. Went from 20 mg in the first month up to 80mg per day..

Acne decreased very slow.. Now it has been going better, but still some acne left on chest.. (back down to 60mg, because I am abroad for the next 5 months)

Any way, my doctor told me that I should not take any whey protein. I asked him why; some studies had showed that it can increase acne.

But, I have been doing some reading as well. There are a lot of forum topics about this subject on body build fora, but havent found a proper answer yet because no one agrees..

What is the exact problem with Whey?? (and please don't say it is derived from Milk, I know that).

What has lactose to do with it?

Is there a certain amount of vitamine A that you should not go above?



I am looking to gain some weight for body building (24 yrs old), so if any one can recommend me some supplements that would work (and please also tell me why these work), that would be awesome!

Thanks everyone!



Posted : 12/05/2013 7:00 am

Any way, my doctor told me that I should not take any whey protein. I asked him why; some studies had showed that it can increase acne.


There are some references to the medical literatute in the wikipedia page on acne concerning the (possible) effect of diet.

The available data seem to suggest that it is the very high glycemic load that is responsible, rather than whey being derived from milk that is responsible. However, looking at the references also suggests this is all highly speculative!

Some people get an effect of milk products worsening acne - I'm one of them. (I use hemp protein powder instead, by the way.)

