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How Do You Cope With Acne Away At School?


Posted : 08/09/2013 7:52 pm

Maybe this doesn't happen to everyone- but i get anxiety from my acne and i feel like people will judge me. My acne is less than moderate but i suffer with rosacea as well and for all my high school days I would get "why is your face so red?" i should of brushed it off but the words slowly engraved in my mind that i feel like it changed me in a negative way. And now with college in 2 weeks what do you to cope this complexion issues away?


Posted : 08/10/2013 5:45 am


Hey, that definitely happens to me too! Acne gives me so much anxiety and I constantly feel like people will judge me for it even though I know that's pretty irrational. Words do stick into you like iron hooks and it's so difficult to brush them off. Anyway there was a thread going a few weeks ago about the issue of dealing with your skin when you go away to college and here's the link:



There are quite a few replies on there including a long one by me so hopefully some of the advice on there can help you as well! smile.png


Posted : 08/10/2013 11:14 am

No one will judge you. It seems they were more curious as to why your face was red, then judgemental. In Highschool and College no one is going to make fun of anyone for having acne because they have acne themselves or know someone who has it. It's quite common.

And I think pretty much every person who has some form of acne is insecure about it. For me, I've had it for so long that I just deal with it. It's apart of my life, and I'm tired of worrying about it. Just move forward and don't let it hold you back anymore.

At some point in your life It becomes a bad joke when you realize your Acne will not going away.
