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Quinoderm Cream 5% Amazing! Clears Spots Under The Skin


Posted : 06/08/2013 3:24 am

Just wanted to share this with everyone...

I've been getting really bad spots under my skin and the occasional red ones, I have tried almost every face washes, lotions & creams and nothing has worked. So I decided to try something else and asked my pharmacist what she would recommend, the product is called Quinoderm cream 5% only cost about £4.50, and after one application my spots under my skin were almost clear!! I'm left with a few red ones, but I'm sure after a few applications of cream I will be clear from all spots! Hope this helps, I just wanted to share this as there's so many expensive products out there that don't work, and this was the most effective for me and the cheapest! Hopefully you will find this helpful :)
