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Trying 100Mg Spironolactone, Keeping Diary Here W/pics


Posted : 03/27/2013 1:21 pm


I've had acne for 7 years, starting when I was 14 (21 years old now). I've been prescribed monocycline, doxycycline, birth control, duac, clindamycin, differn, aczone, and accutane - didn't work. For home remedies, I've tried zinc, chromium, fish oil, lemon juice, l-hydroxy acid, proactive, benzyol peroxide, the regimen, witch hazel, tea tree oil, aloe vera, vitamin e, vitamin a, vitamin c, vitamin B complex, and vitamin b hydration serums - didn't notice any differences.

I have extremely fair skin and moderate to severe acne, mostly on my jawline and cheeks. I have abnormally high DHEA levels (one of the reasons I was prescribed the spirono).

I've been on 50mg of Spirono, 0.5mg of dexamethasone, and Beyaz for about 4 months. I haven't noticed any difference, so I'm bumping up the Spirono to 100mg (one 50mg before bed, one 50mg at breakfast).

I've never kept a log online before, but I feel that doing this online might help be stay more committed to my log and maybe the results will help other people. So...


I'm about to finish Week 1 of 100mg spirono and the main difference I've noticed is the IB. Skin is feeling tight, dry, and some spots on my face have been bleeding.

I've attached photos of the IB.



1.Splash face with 3 drops of Tea Tree oil in purified water

2. Apply Albolene

3. Apply Elta MD sunscreen

4. Apply organic mineral makeup

5. Take 1000mg fish oil, 50mg spironolactone, zinc, chromium, vitamin c, and vitamin B complex with breakfast


1. Clean off makeup with Albolene

2. Apply Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid

3. Apply Vitamin A cream and Vitamin E cream

4. Take 1000mg fish oil, 50mg spironolactone, 0.5mg dexamethasone, beyaz, zinc, chromium, vitamin c, and vitamin B complex before bed

EDIT: The spiro i'm taking is Aldactone




Posted : 03/30/2013 3:14 pm

Hey! I'm in the same boat, I've had acne for 9 years and I'm about to be 21. I have high levels of testosterone and I was also prescribed with spironolactone 25 mg to start with. Unfortunately, i read somewhere some people upped their dose so I did the same and I had a side effect ( heart beating fast ). So now my doc wants me to stop and resume when I feel better. Keep taking it, I heard it takes time so try to be patient. It's very hard to deal with acne but stay positive, it will get better. Also, try to eat more vegetables and fruits and less dairy and meat, it might help. :)


Posted : 03/30/2013 9:37 pm

Good luck. Hope it works out for you!


Posted : 06/24/2013 9:33 am

hey how are you going?


Posted : 06/24/2013 10:19 pm

Good luck.

Please get 30 minutes a day of sunlight with no sunscreen/makeup. Why? Because your body requires vitamin D3 (which you can only get from sunlight--pills don't really absorb properly) to metabolize its own hormones. "Vitamin" D3 is actually a pre-hormone.

30 minutes is very minimal and won't increase your risk for sun damage/cancer. Humans are animals too, we need sunshine daily, we're not meant to be 100% indoors or slathered with chemicals every time we step outside.

Let us know how you're doing. Be patient. My skin was worse than yours and spiro worked very well for me but it was months before I saw improvement. Getting into the sunlight helped a ton.

malecai liked

Posted : 07/22/2015 12:51 am

I found your post because I was prescribed 2 days just 48 hours of dexamethasone 0.5%immediately after surgery when I had 6 broken teeth extracted recently. about a week latermy face in some spots but mainly my back broke out in very bad acne and I wanted to know if it was due to the dexamethasone because my skin was previously completely clear everywhere I hope the Spiro lactoneworked for you I know your posts are over 2 years old does anyone know when the acne I acquired from the dexamethasone might go away? even though I only took it for 48 hours it's almost two weeks since my surgery and I still have it on my back and and the ones on my back are kind of uniform in size and color like not regular acne but the spots on my face that have broken out are like regular in that they are random different sizes and I have one on my chin that's so painful its just hurting me day and night extremely painful as I'm always aware of it is it going to take Accutane for this to go away? I was on Accutane in my early twenties for the three months each time like twice spaced about 5 years apart and then my skin has been clear ever since im 40 now just wondering if anyone knows if a short short round of a steroid like 0.5% dexamethasone can cause acne that never goes away after the steroid stops in a person with previously clear skin


Posted : 07/22/2015 5:09 am

Hi shortzi!


I will be soon be taking spironolactone too.

Im looking forward to your progress and wish you good luck!


