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Braces Causing Acne?


Posted : 02/14/2013 6:25 pm

I have mild acne around my mouth and sever on my neck, back, chest, and cheeks. When I got my braces I got my first pimple right under my nose, above my lip (where men usually have a mustache) and I started getting these pimples a few days after I got my braces (they are usually whiteheads). Before I got my braces on I had 1 or 2 pimples on my jaw line. Ever since I was a kid I had a bad reaction with metal, when people cling metal together I clench my teeth and squint my eyes and it kinda hurts (weird I know). I've had my braces for about 9 months now and each month my acne gets worst! I haven't really kept track of my acne after my dentist appointments but the appointment I had 5 days ago made me break out very bad so I was wondering if braces could cause acne and if so do I have to wait to get them off to lose my acne.


Posted : 02/14/2013 8:44 pm

Braces really can't cause acne. The only thing that could cause acne is if you have an allergic reaction to the metal on the braces, but that usually wouldn't manifest itself through acne, it would usually be some sort of swelling around the mouth.

What could be causing the acne is if you are touching your face a lot. I know that when I had my braces, I used to touch my face where my teeth were sore, sort of how one might touch a bruise if it hurt (why we do that, I don't know), but if you are touching your face, that can EASILY be the cause of your acne.

It could also be stress, if you are worried about the appointment at any time, stress can cause acne and can cause breakouts.

Unfortunately, there is no quick fix to acne, as many people have figured out. A few tips that I have gathered through my 8 year struggle with acne:

1. As I said before DO NOT touch your face. I have noticed that whenever I can get myself to stop touching my face, the acne calms down significantly.

2. Watch what you eat. While diet may not always be the cause or the cure to acne, if you are eating tons of junk, your face will usually show it. I did a 40-day sugar (cookies, icecream, soda, etc.) fast last year and my skin got SO much better. It came back as soon as I introduced sugar back into my diet. Again, this is not going to cure your acne for sure, but it does help.

3. Try to manage your acne holistically before going to any crazy chemicals, creams or pills. These can all be helpful, but they can also damage the rest of your body in the long run. Instead, try things like honey masks, applying lemons to your face and then rinsing off after a few minutes, etc. There are TONS of home remedies that are healthy for you. If you're a tea drinker, or think you could become one, herbal teas are always good for you and can help acne a lot.

4. Vitamin B5 and D can be good for your skin, make sure you are getting enough (not too much) of both.

5. MOISTURIZE. I cannot stress this enough. When your skin does not get enough moisture, it starts to create its own, resulting in clogged pores and acne. I highly recommend using Cetaphil's oil control moisturizer. It has SPF 30, which will help protect your skin from the sun and it also does not leave your skin oily like other moisturizers. It's also formulated for acne-prone skin which lets you know that it is not going to hurt your skin.


I'm sure I have many more tips, I have done a lot of research, but these are the most important that I can think of right now. These have helped me a lot. I wish I would have known some of these things when I first got acne, they would have saved me a lot of time and a lot of my parents' money, haha.

Let me know if you have any questions about any of this!

Hope it works!

God Bless,

Peacelovefood. :P


Posted : 02/15/2013 1:21 am

I know when I first got my braces, I ate a lot of cold, soft things because my mouth hurt like heck, probably ice cream and other sugary stuff...and that's bound to give you acne. Check out your diet!


Posted : 05/20/2013 7:25 pm




I am experiencing the same thing... my face is hideous..This is rare and thats why people find it hard to believe.. Well, I am glad I found someone who's experiencing the same thing as I..

What to do, what to use? My next appt is May 29th, and I will have her do my impressions so I can have them off the minute the retainers are complete.. I can't take this anymore.. I am not finished but I look like a monster, and makeup isn't helping

So pissed that I am allergic!




And to the two who replied to Dchinot

I always drink water and eat right.. my skin was perfectly fine prior to these braces and after they were installed I started breaking out .. (small rash like acne) now I have the huge jumbo ones along w/ dark spots.. ARGH, URGH!!!


Posted : 11/02/2022 12:33 pm

Hey brwskin

I have been experiencing all these things! The acne part is so much relatable. And I have allergic rashes on my body since my orthodontist started putting those rubber bands. Last 45 days of treatment are remaining. Now I cannot wait to take them off. 

There's a rash on my face also and those big pimples on my chin. :(

But I'm glad to have found this conversation. 



Posted : 03/04/2024 10:03 am

Posted by: @dchinot

I have mild acne around my mouth and sever on my neck, back, chest, and cheeks. When I got my braces I got my first pimple right under my nose, above my lip (where men usually have a mustache) and I started getting these pimples a few days after I got my braces (they are usually whiteheads). Before I got my braces on I had 1 or 2 pimples on my jaw line. Ever since I was a kid I had a bad reaction with metal, when people cling metal together I clench my teeth and squint my eyes and it kinda hurts (weird I know). I've had my braces for about 9 months now and each month my acne gets worst! I haven't really kept track of my acne after my dentist appointments but the appointment I had 5 days ago made me break out very bad so I was wondering if braces could cause acne and if so do I have to wait to get them off to lose my acne.

Omg,,, I have the same experience as you After I got my braces, pimples just keep popping up under my nose People from skincare store keep saying its unclean and extra sebum and blah blah blah whatnot I thought I was the only one, Im glad I found this. How are your braces going?
