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Accutane Help?


Posted : 12/10/2012 6:31 pm

Ive recently started accutane, over a month ago and am experiencing all of the side effects; dry lips, depression, dry skin, aches in muscles etc...

However after finishing my first 30 pills and starting the next, I've notice quite an annoying rash/breakout on my stomach.

it is very itchy and normal creams, moisturising or drying out doesn't seem to work. The rash is composed of many small individual spots and nothing seems to be working. As for the rest of my body (chest, face, neck and back), the acne seems to be getting better, however like most drugs it has seemed to plateaued, and now doesn't seem to be helping much. I know accutane does at first flare up the acne, however is this to late after one month in for it? I'm beginning to lose faith in the drug, however i feel after only being on 20mg/day of the drug for a month isn't sufficient justification to doubt the drug.

have any of you experienced this, what did you do? any suggestions/help with the drug?




Posted : 12/12/2012 12:45 pm

Accutane itself can produce different side effects in everyone. Just as each persons acne is unique to them so are the side effects of this medication. And one month is isn't too late to be seeing a reaction. For some acne clears up within a month of accutane for others it takes five months. If you are experiencing pain in your abdomin associated with this rash, contact your dermatologist IMMEDIATELY. In any case you should consult your doctor anyway to determine whether you should stay on medication.


Posted : 12/13/2012 2:02 pm

Hi I am the tane to also getting some weird rash on my stomach I have been on it for three weeks at 20mg also I have not received my period and I am always regular also doc wants to double my dose what shall I do I am still breaking out btw so have not seen any improvement as of now pls help
