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First Time Missed Class Due To Flareup


Posted : 11/22/2012 3:32 am

Ive started month 5 of accutane n had to miss class due to ugly chefs on face....I feel like. To make things worse I'm really happy with everything in my life e.g. I'm a med student- my dream job! But acne is taking over everything- I hate talking to people because it means looking at them in the face:(


Ugly cysts lol


Posted : 11/22/2012 3:56 am

My job is customer service face-to-face and I remember during my worse breakout I still went in... I got hell from it by people and kids were the most harsh towards me, I hope I never have to go through that ish again.But I know how you feel!


Posted : 11/22/2012 4:26 am

My job is customer service face-to-face and I remember during my worse breakout I still went in... I got hell from it by people and kids were the most harsh towards me, I hope I never have to go through that ish again.But I know how you feel!


Thanks for sharing that with me :) I know i shouldn't care what other think, but i just can't help the way i feel....I think this stems from my time in high school and i remember a girl made a nasty comment about my face and from then onwards i feel really self-conscious about the way i look. I really hope these spots clear up by Monday as i cannot afford to miss any more classes.

I feel as though the only people i can talk to is you guys online on this forum :( No-one understands, i look around and i don't see anyone with acne to the extent i have it :(


Posted : 11/22/2012 4:31 am

Oh you're telling me! Don't feel bad that you take what people say about your skin so heavily. It's not easy having acne and what people should realize is that they make it TEN times worse when they point it out. So it's very usual to feel 10 times more insecure than you already do when someone says something about it.


And oh yes, my friends, family, and coworkers ALL have crystal clear faces. I don't know one single person with even MILD acne, like you know the few 1 or 2 here or there. It's tough not being able to have someone to talk to about it, but you yes you do have us=)


Posted : 11/22/2012 4:34 am

Yeah i'm on my 2nd course of accutane- first course my face was clear for about 8 months and now im on month 5. Up to month 3 everything was going good and then out of nowhere huge spots on my face started appearing :( I was at first really upset about this and now i'm thinking well at least they are coming whilst i am on the meds and not a few months after... i might get my course extended


Posted : 11/22/2012 4:39 am

Having acne doesn't make anyone an insecure person, it makes them an insecure person about their pimples, not their skin but pimples. I'm very much happy with everything in my life as well and you can be a very secure person with yourself but haviing confidence about pimples is.... Ridiculous for anyone to have, so don't be so hard on yourself! =)


Accutane got you clear before and it will do it again. =)


Posted : 11/22/2012 4:42 am

Having acne doesn't make anyone an insecure person, it makes them an insecure person about their pimples, not their skin but pimples. I'm very much happy with everything in my life as well and you can be a very secure person with yourself but haviing confidence about pimples is.... Ridiculous for anyone to have, so don't be so hard on yourself! =)

Accutane got you clear before and it will do it again. =)


Thanks so much for your kind words!

Can i ask if you are currently on accutane/ have taken it in the past?


Posted : 11/22/2012 4:49 am

Nope. I was on Doxy before that kept me clear for about 7 to 8 months. Then it suddenly stopped working due to immunity to the bacteria in my body apparently. That's when I broke out at my worse. I was in a deep depression for two weeks, didn't come out of my room, slept, didnt even watch tv just laid here really and would still go to work like a zombie. I to this day have no clue what I looked like during that period, because I always do personal webcam "acne update" vids on my labtop and have no entries for when I first had that crazy breakout. I have pics and vids when I started my current meds, Cephalexin & Accutane combined. When I did a new vid acne update I was already a week into Cephalexin and hadn't started Accutane yet. So like I said I really have no clue how bad it was. Seeing the last vid the wk on cephalexin my skin was horrific. It makes me sad to watch them but I do to see my improvement and all.

I think ive been on Accutane for almost a month now. thanks for asking!


Posted : 11/22/2012 8:33 am

No, please do not do that. Do not let a few spots ruin your life and f**k up your career. I personally noted that the more I isolate myself and stress about my spots, the worse they get. Try to live with it and not let it control your life and remember sooner or later acne will f**k off.


I made that mistake for so many years to the extent that I hardly wanted to leave the house or talk to friends, relatives and it even affected my relationship with my family, but now I wish I could set the clock back and change everything.


My advice is just go to your work/school and be confident. I know it's not easy but you can do it. At the end of the day it's your body and people can f off if they do not like you the way you are.


Posted : 11/22/2012 10:02 am

No, please do not do that. Do not let a few spots ruin your life and f**k up your career. I personally noted that the more I isolate myself and stress about my spots, the worse they get. Try to live with it and not let it control your life and remember sooner or later acne will f**k off.

I made that mistake for so many years to the extent that I hardly wanted to leave the house or talk to friends, relatives and it even affected my relationship with my family, but now I wish I could set the clock back and change everything.

My advice is just go to your work/school and be confident. I know it's not easy but you can do it. At the end of the day it's your body and people can f off if they do not like you the way you are.


oh my god i'm like this- i haven't seen my high school friends in like 2years due to my acne. They keep wanting to meet up but i just can't face it! I'm at my wits end with this acne :( just when my face is improving- i get more pimples. But yeah i am starting to realise that i need to go out more and take my miind off this acne business


Posted : 11/22/2012 10:06 am

It's not easy having acne and what people should realize is that they make it TEN times worse when they point it out. So it's very usual to feel 10 times more insecure than you already do when someone says something about it.


I really like this. Thank you for sharing that!


Posted : 11/22/2012 8:00 pm

Ive started month 5 of accutane n had to miss class due to ugly chefs on face....I feel like. To make things worse I'm really happy with everything in my life e.g. I'm a med student- my dream job! But acne is taking over everything- I hate talking to people because it means looking at them in the face:(

Ugly cysts lol


OMG I am a med student two on my second course of accutane (due to an unknown sudden severe cystic acne breakout that started Feb 2012). I am on my 6th and final month and while I haven't broken out in a month my face still looks (to me...) absolutely disgusting. I have red marks and rolling scars all over. Whats sad is that a year ago I had a pretty clear face with minimal scarring (results of first accutane course). Yes, it depresses me all the time, I know how it feels; I have skipped quite a few classes because I didn't feel comfortable, especially during the initial breakout. Also, have you started clinicals? walking around and seeing patients literally terrifies me....while a year ago I was the most social and open person you'd ever meet. But you know what? if patients cannot accept you just by how you look, screw it! So far I am doing pretty good faking confidence when I talk to patients, but secretly when I leave the room I am the most self concious person you would ever meet. It sucks. It really does. I feel you on this issue, but all we can do is fake it till you make it!


Posted : 11/26/2012 11:41 am

Aw man, I don't know what to say to some of these posts - I know totally how you feel and am sorry you feel like this! If I wasn't on accutane just now I would say "no one notices as much as you do/bet you're still gorgeous" etc etc, but I got hit with the acne bat really bad 2 years ago at 24, and went on accutane when the spots started to affect my social/working life. I'm really open about it and my workmates are so sympathetic, but I hate having to go in and teach kids with all this goin' on in my face. My job covers a lot of areas so I also do customer service and even though people are usually lovely to me, I am mortified of my face!


My pals and family are really supportive, but I find it affects my relationships with guys. I've been in a couple of long term relationships since this happened and have liked guys, but I just write myself off. I can't accept it when a guy calls me pretty because all I can see are the spots. Every guy I've been with with has been incredibly lovely about it - they acknowledge I have spots but it makes no difference to them - the problem is, it makes a difference to me. My ex was on accutane so it was easy to chat to him about my skin, but he urged me not to go on it because of the side effects.


A month in and yeah, it's no picnic, my lips are like sandpaper, but on the plus side my skin is almost radiant again. Can't believe it. Just can't wait to be finished with all the meds.


Really hope you guys start to see improvements on accutane and don't have to endure any taunts from customers about your skin anymore. Makes me so sad that people would judge people like that. Beauty is only skin deep and even if I wasn't prone to acne, I would never hesitate to be with someone who was. It's the whole package and not the sum of its parts that matters, but on breakout days it's incredibly hard to tell yourself that.
