

Posted : 11/19/2012 8:51 pm

The title sums it all up...


I'm 27 y/o male. I've mild acne on and off since high school. You'd think by now it would have subsided. It comes and goes but over the past year I can't seem to shake it.


It's always around my forehead, specifically hairline, which is ironic bc my hair is thinning in that area. I know when a breakout is coming, I can actually feel the inflammation.


I'm very health, exercise, lift weights and follow a typical bodybuilding diet. 6 meals a day, high amounts of lean protein, moderate carb, healthy fats. One or two cheat meals a week.


Went back to benzoyl P the past two months and saw no results.


Just started Proactive's glycolic toner and the mask to leave on pimples overnight because I notice this used to work.


I do use supplements, some pre workout/thermogenics including caffeine and other stimulants. Can this cause acne? I use egg protein and once in a while whey protein. I eat a good amount of fruits and green veggies.


I don't smoke, and have only a few drinks a week.


I do sweat a lot, especially when I use thermogenics like caffeine and notice I get very oily and my skin remains oily when I stop sweating. Can this cause flareups?


I currently use Baxter of California face wash, as it is mild and used to work for me.


My acne consists mainly of small red bumps, almost like boils, and one or two HUGE white heads pop up every couple of weeks. But the red bumps on my forehead are the worst. Small, but enough to notice.


How the heck do I get rid of these? Should I try tea tree oil as a topical? Should I stop caffeine? I use maybe equivelant of 1-3 cups 5x a week.


Please help! Thanks!


Posted : 11/20/2012 12:22 pm

Caffeine is known to provoke acne. Same as dairy. I know (not my personal experience) but a guy I used to date would break out all over his forehead when he would take supplements like that. Sulfur is a good option topically you might like. I would recommend asking your doctor for "clindoxyl" I used it

In the past and worked better then clindamycin for me. Or, it could be not even acne at all, and something like sebhoric dermatitis. Has your doc closely identified your bumps? I was misdiagnosed two different

Doctors thought I had acne when I really had perioral dermattis. Best of luck to you :)


Posted : 11/20/2012 2:19 pm

I'm a health-nut too and eat incredibly healthy and work out. I would definitely start out by cleaning all your weights and things you touch while you're at the gym. Also, since it's around your hairline I really think it's provoked during your workouts. If you find yourself wiping your sweat off your forehead during your workout, try to stop. If you go to a big gym I know those weights hold a ton of bacteria and you could be just moving them from your hands to your face, causing a breakout. I found, personally, that when I worked out at the gym I would breakout because i would wipe the sweat off. I do bikram (hot) yoga once and sometimes twice a day and honestly it just sweats out all toxins that could possibly be in your skin. Maybe give it a go for a week, most studios offer a free trial week of hot yoga, and see if it helps your skin.


Wishing you the best

