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Ive Lost All Hope


Posted : 11/19/2012 8:41 pm

Hello, my name is Lamar Im 17 years old and depressed. Ive had acne for about the last two years and nothing has worked. Ive had to go to dances with my ugly red afce and its just embarassing. I have moderate acne, its just a bunch of red papules on my cheeks and forehead with no real whiteheads.


Ive tried everything at walgreens and nothing. Ive tried drinking like twenty bottles of water a day and nothing. A momth and a half ago I saw a derm and she started me on doxcycline and prednisone but the doxcycline never did anything so two weeks later I went on bactrim. i had a reaction to bactrim so now Im on cipro and throughout the month and a half Ive still been on the prednisone. I really havemt seen any improvement. Ive been on cipro for a bout 5 days now.


I also bought a obagi cleanser 5 days ago and my doctor gave me clindamycin topical solution. So as of now I have Cipro, Predisone, Obagi cleanser, and the Clindamycin. So I guess my questions are: Do I use all four? What can I expect? Is there hope? I really just want this to go away so please help. Thank you if youve read this.


Posted : 11/20/2012 2:25 pm

I have no personal experience with any of those products :( I wish I could offer advice. Personally I have pretty light/moderate acne, nothing too serious, but obviously we all want that perfect skin that some people are just naturally blessed with. I've tried so many different skin care lines and dermatologist recommended harsh Rx creams and I gave up on them. They would irritate the shit out of my skin and made things more red and it just didn't feel right. I've completely shifted gears and now I only use 100% natural products, and God, it's worked. We all try to work against nature but so far my skin is SO happy to not have chemicals everyday. My saving grace is African Black Soap, Apple Cider Vinegar and Tea Tree Oil. Read up on them if you want to give them a go.


Wishing you the best. Stay strong and keep your head up.



Posted : 11/20/2012 4:54 pm

Hello Lamar!


im 21 yrs old and just now got rid of my acne. i started getting acne at 15 yrs old and trust i felt just like you maybe even worse. My acne was really really bad i hated doing anything because i dint want people to see it. i went through depression a few times but let me just say losing hope is not the answer, yes i know its hard but youve gotta beat it not let it beat you down. I went to a derm. like a year or 2 ago and she gave me a few creams which ive tryed everything pretty much, and nothing worked. My doctor saw how bad it affected me and she finally asked me and talked to me about accutane its a hard core medicine and yes it has side effects but let me just say its worth it! My face is soooooo soft and clean its amazing! i never thought i would see my face like this ever again. so i recommand you to do the same and ask your derm about it it;ll change your life seriously :) so keep your head up! if you need anything be sure to ask im here to help now that im done with it.


Thanks :)


Posted : 11/21/2012 6:04 pm

I have no experience with the products you have mentioned above either. A lot of treatments take months to work and it's annoying i know but i've had acne a while now and mine is only just starting to show a difference, i always lose hope but it's not going to make my acne go away so i just have to deal with it in my own way. I think that using all 4 of the products you've mentioned seems a bit much but if your doctor has told you to use all 4 then do so. I just don't use a lot of stuff of mine as i wouldn't know what is and isn't working then.


keep in there!
