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I Said I Would, So Here I Am


Posted : 11/13/2012 7:14 pm

So I said I'd make sure to come back to give my accutane story after I finished my course so here I I have a bad memory but bare with me... So I first started my accutane course about 2 years ago now and just a little background, I have had acne since the age of 13 and it got worse as the years went on, persistent acne.


Anyways now I'm 23 and have been clear for 1 1/2 years now. I remember the days before clear skin though, I remember the worrying and the constant fear of looking in a mirror, I remember things which is weird to remember because I have not felt those feelings in so long now and never do, Just the everyday struggle that acne caused in my life from ZERO confidence which messed with relationships and meeting new people.


I just remember having such a sad life while I had acne.


Now to my point. I started accutane in I believe February 2010 and my course lasted about 6 months so it ended that July. During my course I did not suffer from many symptoms besides minor joint pain and weird oil fluctuation. Other than those 2 I had nothing major and was grateful and honestly let me tell you, POSITIVE thinking HELPS. I was never sitting around worrying about this or that or what if, I was living my life taking the medicine, having a drink here and there and not worrying.


So when my course ended in July I pretty much was cleared up all the way, everything was gone but scars. To this day Im acne free, except for the occasional rare pimple that pops up but goes away within 2 days and without bothering it with anything myself. I am SO grateful for the clear skin I have now. For the confidence I have gained, for being able to walk with my head up, for not be worried of being looked at or judged.


It feels like a second lease on life, like I got a do over and now I can pretty much live the way I want because well I have the steering wheel, as dumb as that may sound. My point is I could not be happier with my CHOICE to take accutane. I know there are horror stories out there but for me everything went well and here I am now much happier and at peace with myself.


Everything has its risk but you'll never know until you try.



Any questions please message. Thanks.


Posted : 11/13/2012 10:47 pm

and honestly let me tell you, POSITIVE thinking HELPS. I was never sitting around worrying about this or that or what if, I was living my life taking the medicine, having a drink here and there and not worrying.


i LOVE this attitude. you're soooo right about positive thinking and just living your life. it makes the course pass by so much faster if you just keep on living life and pushing through. i haven't been on since 2009 when i took my first course of Accutane. unfortunetly i'm back on here because my acne returned after 3 years. but i am soooo thankful for those 3 years of clear skin and not having to worry about all the stuff you mentioned in your post. it was such a feeling of freedom. i never even thought about my face or or anything like that.

so i'm back on on accutane...but it's okay this time because i have faith that it's gonna work for me again and soon enough this will all be in the past. not gonna let a lil acne stop be from livin life.

thanks for this post. it was awesome. sooo glad you had success from this med. hope your acne never returns. 🙂


Posted : 11/15/2012 5:48 pm

Hope your second course goes well. Your clear skin will be back in a matter of months, take care!
