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The Body Regimen

Member Admin

Posted : 10/04/2004 8:29 am


Please give it a try and post here how it works.




Posted : 10/17/2004 2:23 pm

hey dan. thank you so much for having these forums, it has helped me out a lot. i couldnt find a lotion that had glycolic acid in it, but i bought this wash that has it in it. will this work? it is called Neutragena pore refining cleanser and it has alpha and beta hydroxy formula with gentle mirobeads. it says on the ingredients list that is has SA in it, but it doesnt say how much or anything. please respond and tell me how and when i should use this. thank you so much.


Posted : 10/19/2004 9:42 pm

I think the problem with this (otherwise, probably great) regimen for backne is that you HAVE to wear all WHITE. This is quite hard for people who are often wearing sports jerseys, uniforms, etc. etc. The BP I put on my face already slightly fades the collar of non-white shirts I wear and I don't even put it on my neck! It must just "run" a little.


I don't understand how people could wear all white shirts (they would really have to be ALL white) for years. And, if you had to throw another shirt on for some reason it isn't like you can wash away the BP - there will still be some left to bleach out whatever color you are wearing.


This is the only reason I haven't tried this regimen for my bacne. The regimen has worked WONDERS on my face (I am pretty much acne free now) but my back is still TERRIBLE.


So, I was wondering if there is another solution that is as potent and strong as the BP that doesn't bleach clothing. This would be perfect.


Any ideas?


Posted : 10/22/2004 1:56 am

I think the problem with this (otherwise, probably great) regimen for backne is that you HAVE to wear all WHITE. This is quite hard for people who are often wearing sports jerseys, uniforms, etc. etc. The BP I put on my face already slightly fades the collar of non-white shirts I wear and I don't even put it on my neck! It must just "run" a little.


I don't understand how people could wear all white shirts (they would really have to be ALL white) for years. And, if you had to throw another shirt on for some reason it isn't like you can wash away the BP - there will still be some left to bleach out whatever color you are wearing.


This is the only reason I haven't tried this regimen for my bacne. The regimen has worked WONDERS on my face (I am pretty much acne free now) but my back is still TERRIBLE.


So, I was wondering if there is another solution that is as potent and strong as the BP that doesn't bleach clothing. This would be perfect.


Any ideas?





Member Admin

Posted : 10/24/2004 12:28 pm

Glycolic acid is different from salicylic acid. Get some glycolic acid or alpha hydroxy acid in 8 to 10% strength. You can get it on if you need to. It's called Alpha Hydrox Enhanced Lotion.




Posted : 11/05/2004 2:58 pm

I might try this method myself just to see if it actually works. I think I'll do it for one week.


You can avoid color fading by wearing white underclothes such as a white t shirt or tank top. white underclothes are pretty standard and widely available.


edited to add: i dont have that much back acne (bacne) but i have tiny pimples that i can treat to see what happens.


Posted : 01/05/2005 8:36 pm

Have had preatty bad back and chest acne for years. Though I have left if untreated for most of the time. Have never had the patiende of time to deal with it. Have tried using different SA body washes with noticable improvement. Never completely cleared though. Now I've got it mastered. Don't know about that hydroxy lotion, but at night I use a purpose bar to wash my entire body and face. I then apply a relatively light amount of the BP gel to my face, chest, and back. I then like to use XCD for mens' self tanning moisturizer. In the morn I shower again, but just to use the purpose bar on my face and shave. I then apply BP gel to my face, let dry, then use XCDs' Defender lotion. I am completely clear now, and don't spend too much time worrying about what and when to apply products. XCD is a great line of products. Very expensive, but sooo worth it. If you have oiley skin try the perfecter, it works wonders and goes fine over the BP. I can't use it anymore cause I've been on the B5 regimen, so my skin gets dry very easyly. But gentle cleanser all over, BP gel all over, moisturizer, with B5 regimen = clear.


Posted : 01/05/2005 8:39 pm

Oh also, I've been using BP gel for allmost a month now and havent bleached a thing. Don't know where the bleaching scare is coming from. Just make sure it's dry before putting a shirt on.


Posted : 01/15/2005 12:43 pm

Hi there,

I am new to the forum although I have been using Dan's bacne regimine for about 3 weeks. I have always had winter bacne, strange that it seems to clear in the summer (or when I go tanning). Anyway, I think the key with the bacne regimine is the AHA. I have tried to moisturize after the BP gel with regular moisturizer but this doesnt seem to work. Too oily. So, my current plan is: wash with Basis soap, Neutrogena 2.5% all over the back followed by Vaseline's Healthy Body Complexion AHA lotion. (I already had this lotion which I needed to use anyway.)


So, what do you think about my regimine?


Also, I have a derm appt. next week to explore "new" options, but I refuse to take anything internal because I may be trying to get pregnant in the next year. Any suggestions?


TIA for responses. smile.gif




Posted : 01/16/2005 7:38 am

I think the problem with this (otherwise, probably great) regimen for backne is that you HAVE to wear all WHITE. This is quite hard for people who are often wearing sports jerseys, uniforms, etc. etc. The BP I put on my face already slightly fades the collar of non-white shirts I wear and I don't even put it on my neck! It must just "run" a little.


I don't understand how people could wear all white shirts (they would really have to be ALL white) for years. And, if you had to throw another shirt on for some reason it isn't like you can wash away the BP - there will still be some left to bleach out whatever color you are wearing.


This is the only reason I haven't tried this regimen for my bacne. The regimen has worked WONDERS on my face (I am pretty much acne free now) but my back is still TERRIBLE.


So, I was wondering if there is another solution that is as potent and strong as the BP that doesn't bleach clothing. This would be perfect.


Any ideas?






Posted : 01/19/2005 1:42 am

If anyone wants to get rid of acne on the back face or wherever is to not use any chemicals on ur skin what-so-ever!!!!! Wash with warm water then rinse of with cold...take some advice from someone who knows....EXPERiment and ull see it!!



Posted : 01/29/2005 11:00 pm

Hmmmmmmm... I have an idea about the bleaching problem. (and I know it's a problem, because my pillow has been bleached by the BP I put on my face)


Does anyone know if it would work to put the BP on back/chest, wait 10-15 minutes, and then take a quick shower to wash it off? Or, does it need a long time to soak in, and won't work if the area is washed 1/2 an hour after it's put on?


Also, Chocolate_charley had a good potential idea: Would it work to put the BP on at night (and then wear white to bed, which shouldn't be a problem) so that it won't bleach colored clothes the next day?


Any suggestions or experiences?


Posted : 02/24/2005 8:07 pm

Just started here and this is exactly what I'm looking for. I started having acne at a very young age ( about eight or nine) and it became a habit real early on to touch my face etc. Unfortunately I also have general anxiety disorder....which basically means I get attacks of huge irrational fear....sort of like phobias. I've known some people with GAD that pull out their hair, some bite their lip, some chew their nails all the way down...I scratch. Which irratates my acne even more. My boyfriend has asked me to go to the prom at his school ( i refuse to go to my own) and most of the fashions out there show your back....I need to try and fix this problem in three months...Hope it works.


Posted : 03/29/2005 9:47 pm

Hey all! Regarding all the talk about bleaching. Yes, BP DOES BLEACH! I've bleached too many shirts, and all my pillow cases! I have acne on my back and face, and currently, this is my regimen:


Morning: Benzaclin on face, Differin on back

Night: Benzaclin on back, Differin on face


I shower in the morning, apply Differin to my back, and I'm able to wear any color shirt immediately with no bleaching. My sheets, however, are bleached at the top of the bed, b/c the chemicals apparently get through the white shirts I wear to bed and onto the sheets.


SO, just a white undershirt may not be sufficient to avoid bleaching a collared shirt or sweater on top. I would use any stuff with BP before you go to bed, and buy sheets you don't mind getting bleached.


Good luck! God this acne sucks!


Posted : 04/16/2005 10:58 am


The regimen says NOT to use a sponge cause it's best to wash with your bare hands, but since I've used a sponge it's worked. See I usually can't reach my back to clean it right so I've been using a sponge on a stick (ha ha ha). How soon should I change it out?


OH GOSH I can't believe how happy I am to see my back this clear. I don't think I've ever seen it this clear.

How can I keep it from coming back??????





Posted : 04/18/2005 9:46 pm

ooh mah gawshh guyz!~ I have PROM in like...5 WEEKS shock.gif ~!! My number one concern is my there anything that can work fast enough to give me results by may 27th: prom >? confused.gif


Posted : 05/03/2005 3:47 pm

yo evryone,an dan...

i jus started the regimine 2weeks face is great it really wrks!

but my back seemed to be taking slower(but my back was at its worst stage ever when i started the regimine!)

but yesterday i only figured out that u hav t use AHA on ur back too. so i bought neostrata smothing cream with 8 per cent glycolic acid. jus put it on now, so ill keep everyone informed on how it goes4me.

PS:it says that u shud use sunscreen wit dis product, an i was thinkin bout going on the stand up power UV sun beds.

wud this b a bad idea or wud it b ok cuz its not real sun???

anybody hav any suggestions???


Posted : 05/12/2005 5:09 pm

I don't get the Alpha Hydrox lotion at all. It says anti-wrinkle treatment. What is that supposed to do for acne. Please respond, Dan.


Posted : 07/01/2005 6:08 am

I wanted to start a regimen for my back but am confused on the steps. Why are the steps for your face as follows: wash, benzoly, then apha hydroxy lotiion. But the steps for your back is wash, apha hydroxy lotion, then benzoly? I wasn't sure so if someone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated!


Posted : 07/02/2005 2:07 pm

yeah, what is the difference between salicylic acid and AHA acid? i read that salicylic reduces redness more compared to AHA? i hope someone can help out. toodles


Posted : 07/15/2005 10:43 am

Hi everyone!

I'm new to the regimen and I haven't even started it yet (it's in the mail), but I have moderate acne on my back, shoulders and chest that comes and goes randomly. I would like to start the bacne regimen as well, and I don't know about you guys but I can't disslocate my shoulder to reach my back to take care of it and the site says not to use any sponges, but I don't know what else to use. Is there a special sponge or cloth that I could use??


Thanks for the help. smile.gif


Posted : 07/15/2005 10:07 pm

Seriously, it's not that difficult to reach your back. Unless you have unusually short arms, (no offence if you do) all you have to do is use a bathroom mirror and look over your shoulder at your back. Then just reach however you need to. Trust me, I've done it for years now, you don't have to dislocate your shoulder either. Good luck, just give it a try and you'll see.


Posted : 07/27/2005 11:24 am

Hi everybody,

I just started on the regimen a couple of days ago (though I used the ProActive lotion on my face, but not the rest of the ProActive stuff, so I guess I was using BP treatment). I have mild acne on my face, and mild to moderate on my back, mostly between the shoulder blades. The back is worrying me more, so I checked out this thread.

I just read up on all this stuff, so I think I may be able to answer a couple of the questions. If I remember correctly, salicylic acid and AHA are related. Both remove dead skin cells that can lead to clogged pores (that's why AHA is also a wrinkle treatment - smooths out your skin), but salicylic acid has smaller particles (molecules, whatever) and penetrates deeper into your skin cells. I've read in quite a few places on the web that salicylic acid is good for treating blackheads because it penetrates deep into the pores and reduces oil production, removes plugs from pores etc. I don't know why Dan recommends the AHA over salicylic acid for the back regimen, though. He does say (somewhere on the web page... maybe FAQ?) that using both AHA/salicylic acid and BP on the face can be too rough for the skin. The skin on the back is tougher.


As for the bleaching: I tried the ProActive lotion on my back for a while and was really pissed when I discovered that a bunch of new clothes got bleached. It took me a while to figure out why. I've decided to try the BP on my back only overnight and to switch to white sheets. Hope it helps, because I'm sick of not being able to wear dresses and tanks without back.


Posted : 08/01/2005 10:57 pm

Dan i have acne on my arms, should i approach this differently than bacne?


Posted : 08/09/2005 7:24 am

Sell bigger bottles of BP for bacne smile.gif PLEASE DAN!?
