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Severe Whiteheads / closed comedones


Posted : 11/26/2008 5:20 pm

post-88808-1227737775_thumb.jpgpost-88808-1227734892_thumb.jpgI don't really get acne very often, but I thought this counted as the same thing so i tried proactive and everything else until i was told benzol peroxide, and sterilic acid were actually for killing bacteria and infection in infected and inflamed acne which mine is not and that peroxide and stuff actually makes it worse because it makes the plugs in my skin even harder. So specifically for whiteheads i've tried this stuff from the U.k. that you was just grape oil with vitamins that you rub into your face all like three times a day for 15 minutes and it's supposed to dissolve them and the lady convinced me no more popping, and it was just a waste of time rubbing oil into my face for a month and they got worse (I started getting regular pimples and blackheads in addition to my first problem) she said that was good that means it's working she convinced me to do it for another month and they got even worse so i quit. i just ordered this stuff from skintactix specifically for whiteheads that's supposed to dissolve them too, but this stuff burns so i figured it might be better at dissolving things than oil, but I have been using it almost a month now with no results except for thousands of Whiteheads so many it like there is more than one in everysingle pore they are like overlapping and they squeeze out easily, but it would take me hours and i would have to do it over a couple days and after the swelling goes down that definately helps the way my face looks Popping them is the absolute only thing that I have ever found to get them out of my skin, but they come back in a couple of days and i can't keep up with that. It also says at the skintactix website that alot of whiteheads are almost always associated with a linoleic acid deficiency so I got some safflower and flaxseed oil too. It also says this will only help with getting future white heads and not clearing existing ones, but I have a whitehead in everysingle pore. so does this mean if I really do have a linoleic acid deficiency and i fix the problem and i pop them all they won't come back? I'm so confused about everything and don't know what to do I ordered some BHA samples from paula's choice I don't think i have tried that yet. Does anybody else have a severe Whitehead Problem? The reason my skin looks red in the photo is because I just put some burning skintactix blackhead/whitehead dissolver on it. Help I have so much stuff inside my skin that it feels itchy not because it's dry but because they need squeezed and when i follow the rules of not squeezing, my skin get's grosser and grosser. Pimples come and Go, but Whiteheads are Permanent




Posted : 11/26/2008 8:59 pm


my skin looks EXACTLY like this.

these things ARE so stubborn that nothing applied topically will get rid of them.

i started talking B5 (there is a sticky about them in the natural & holistical thread) about 3 weeks ago, and i have noticed that they have diminished a lot.

i think for these types of clogged pores you have to orally treat them,

so dont waste your time or money on topicals.

give B5 a try! its a little pricey...but in all honesty, worth it.

good luck!


Posted : 11/26/2008 9:43 pm

Wow, my face was slightly similar to yours, but, no offense, not nearly as severe. I hardly ever had any "real" acne at all, just those stubborn closed whiteheads that NEVER went away!


What I did was get a mild scrub. It sloughs off all of the oil, sweat, and mostly dead skin cells that cause your pores to clog up like that. It helped SO MUCH in my situation. I also went to a dermatologist, who gave me medicine that helped a lot as well, and now, I would say I'm 98% clear: the other 2% is right around my hairline and is hardly visible.


You might also want to check the thread about folliculitis: it isn't acne, but is some sort of overproduction of yeast. I'm not an expert on it, but there are lots of people on here who know quite a bit about it.


Posted : 01/11/2009 2:55 am

I used to have bumps like yours all along my jaw line, they are super itchy and I found out that I was sensitive/allergic to my face wash so I switched to Cetaphil antibacterial soap and use Dickenson's witch hazel after I wash my face then quickly all my bumpy whitehaeds disappeared...Have you tried switching your cleanser and use any astringent or toner????


Posted : 01/11/2009 7:18 am

are you sure this severity wasent from the harsh proactive and BP and acids? i think you are dry from all of that. let me know.


Posted : 01/12/2013 2:49 am

I don't know which topicals/make up you use, but to me it looks like an allergic reaction to something. I might be wrong, but my skin reacts like this if I apply tanning products on my face.


Posted : 01/13/2013 2:18 am

Did you try Tretinoin ?


Posted : 01/13/2013 10:36 pm

That looks like the rash I had a while ago. Try organic apple cidar vinegar , metro gel, and oral antibiotics like tetracycline.

Go to your derm and see what they can do for you :)
