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Best Otc Acne Red Mark Treatment?


Posted : 08/12/2015 9:10 pm

Hi- I am brand new to this site, but unfortunately, not new to acne.


I am nineteen, and have been suffering from acne for probably the past five or six years. It seems like at the moment, I have finally gotten my active acne under control. However, now I am left with horrendous red acne marks, specifically all over my cheeks (the right being a lot worse that the left). Luckily, I don't have many indents, or ice pick scars, just bad red marks that have taken over my face. I am really embarrassed by them, and they are effecting my mood. I don't wear facial make up to cover them, as it makes me break out even worse. I am starting a new school in a month, and I'd like to reduce them. I understand that it is going to take awhile, but I'm ready to begin this process.


Attacked you will find photos of both my cheek areas. It's taken a lot for me to share them like this.


I would like to start with an OTC treatment, if anyone knows of any successful ones. I don't want to waste my money on things that aren't going to work. I read that aloe vera works, and tea tree oil, anyone have experience with these?


I've actually never seen a dermatologist, so if I can't get this under control in the next month or so, I think I will look into scheduling an appointment.


Thanks in advance.




Posted : 08/12/2015 10:02 pm

Vbeam Perfecta would wipe these out in 3-5 should consider it if they are really affecting your well being all around. It's affordable too usually @ 100-$100-200 per visit, once a month


I agree with above post on using sunscreen religiously



Are you 100% done breaking out?


Posted : 08/12/2015 10:12 pm

Thank you for both of the suggestions.


Robertitoo - I wouldn't say that I am 100% done breaking out, I still get them from time to time, but this is the clearest my skin has been in a long time (regarding active pimples).
