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Need Help Choosing Sunscreen For Red Marks


Posted : 12/21/2014 12:46 pm

My acne always tends to leave PIH and it can be quite unsightly seeing my skin so blotchy. Right now I'm using a retinoid to help speed up the process along with GOW Light and Bright Serum (which works fairly well) Fortunatly right now the weather here in Texas has been cloudy almost everyday so I haven't had to avoid the outside world as much. But I really need help finding a sunscreen for when the sun does come back out so it doesn't worsen my PIH. Pretty much every sunscreen I've used leaves me white as a ghost and its unnappealing. I was wondering if anyone knew a good suncreen that doesn't have that affect. I have mexican/asian skin (tannish yellow-ish) if that helps. Thanks for anyone who bothers to help


Posted : 12/22/2014 1:12 pm

I use Elta MD facial moisturizer with sunscreen. It has transparent zinc oxide so you don't get white face. They sell it on Amazon and derm offices.
