Hi Everyone, I am in my firsts trimester of pregnancy and I have severe acne all over my face.
when i was in college i used to get few acnes on face so consulted the dermatologist and applied topical creams which cleared my acne. But after 3 months stoped creams for few days due to some surgery. After acne not controlled by creams so consulted endocrinologist and she suggested daine which is birth control pills and i look for 6 months again stopped. Acne start coming back again went back to yasmin tablet for few years and again switch to daine for a 2 years so and last January stopped birth control pills to get pregnant. Initial months were ok. From june my acne back long which is 10x than acne which i used to get before pills. I was frustrated but need to concentrate on get pregnant rather than acne. So visited gynaecologist and she did ultrasound, shocking for me that I have pcos.
Now sutiation is bad acne all over my face and planning for baby everyone says for pcos women difficult to get pregnant. I was kind a depressed and used to not go anywhere expect work. Started healthy deit exercise and all .
Thank god within few months end of July I got pregnant and acne continued till 6 weeks after that nightmare acne worsen. There is no space in my face currently that is my sutiation. God blessed and wanted to enjoy the pregnancy but cnt because of acne. Not stepping out of the house and meeting anyone not even closed circle very embarrassed sutiaton.
is there anyone facing the same issue? Just wondering when this will acne go ? I am scared that this might remains through out the pregnancy ? Might remains after delivery also? Just worried how to deal with this and want to enjoy my pregnancy
Normally acne gets better during pregnancy.
But it sounds like for you, you are experiencing acne pretty badly. That can also happen. There are alternative treatments you can look at.