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Zinc ointment. Zinc oxide. Any experience?


Posted : 02/05/2024 11:02 am

Hi, everyone. I've had acne for many years. I was treated with antibiotics and retinoids. After treatment with antibiotics the effect was not bad, but very short - acne returned. From retinoids, I had the longest remission, but because of the side effects, I don't want to contact with this medicine anymore. I also had experience with zinc sulfate, I made a water solution, about 10%. The effect in the beginning was very good, it dried the skin a lot. Because of the strong skin reaction and irritation, I reduced the concentration to 5%. But, there was still a strong irritation, burning, flaking and as a result of peeling off the dry crust of the skin. This option of prevention and treatment of acne, I also stopped.

Now I want to try an ointment with zinc oxide. There are recommendations that zinc oxide is mild and not as aggressive for the skin as zinc sulfate. What do you think? Has anyone had experience with zinc oxide?

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Member Admin

Posted : 02/06/2024 4:34 pm

I don't think zinc will clear your skin enough. I wouldn't recommend it. If you want something to dry you out and fix it up, benzoyl peroxide is far, far more effective and should get you completely clear. Have you read through The Regimen?


Posted : 02/08/2024 12:05 pm

Posted by: @Dan

I don't think zinc will clear your skin enough. I wouldn't recommend it. If you want something to dry you out and fix it up, benzoyl peroxide is far, far more effective and should get you completely clear. Have you read through The Regimen?

Hi, Dan. The benzoyl peroxide cream is not bad, but I forgot to write that I used it too. Yes, this cream works and I didn't have any reaction to it in the beginning, but after 2 months it started to dry my skin a lot and also irritation appeared. It worked great on small pimples, but it was very slow on deep, large pimples. After I stopped using it, the acne quickly returned. I am looking for a product that will work for me and will not cause skin irritation or allergies. Thanks for your reply Dan, your opinion is very appreciated.

Member Admin

Posted : 02/08/2024 12:26 pm

Did you moisturize after using it? You need to do that to avoid irritation. The way benzoyl peroxide works is within The Regimen. Just on its own without using it within The Regimen steps it can cause too my dryness/irritation and can not work well enough, but when you follow the steps precisely it works great.


Posted : 02/09/2024 12:25 pm


Hi, mirinal. Have you started treatment yet? I'm interested in your results. What % zinc oxide ointment are you planning to use?I read that zinc oxide ointment both dries and moisturizes the skin. I just don't get it.


Posted : 02/11/2024 1:44 am

Posted by: @Dan

Did you moisturize after using it? You need to do that to avoid irritation. The way benzoyl peroxide works is within The Regimen. Just on its own without using it within The Regimen steps it can cause too my dryness/irritation and can not work well enough, but when you follow the steps precisely it works great.

Sometimes I tried moisturizing , but the itching wouldn't go away. The problem wasn't just dryness. I think I had an allergy to bp. Now I want to test zinc oxide ointment, and in the future I want to try benzoyl peroxide again, but at a lower concentration or combine it with something else.


Posted : 02/11/2024 1:53 am

Posted by: @natbim22


Hi, mirinal. Have you started treatment yet? I'm interested in your results. What % zinc oxide ointment are you planning to use?I read that zinc oxide ointment both dries and moisturizes the skin. I just don't get it.


Yes, started applying, i'm monitoring... The zinc dries the skin and the oily ointment moisturizes. no irritation so far. I found 10% and 25% ointment on sale. I started with the 10% concentration.


Member Admin

Posted : 02/13/2024 9:24 am

Posted by: @Mirinal
Posted by: @Dan

Did you moisturize after using it? You need to do that to avoid irritation. The way benzoyl peroxide works is within The Regimen. Just on its own without using it within The Regimen steps it can cause too my dryness/irritation and can not work well enough, but when you follow the steps precisely it works great.

Sometimes I tried moisturizing , but the itching wouldn't go away. The problem wasn't just dryness. I think I had an allergy to bp. Now I want to test zinc oxide ointment, and in the future I want to try benzoyl peroxide again, but at a lower concentration or combine it with something else.

If itching came with swelling or severe crusting then allergy could be the culprit. And perhaps if itching never goes away that could be a concern. But many people have itching for a few weeks when they use benzoyl peroxide or even a bit longer. It's just part of it, and it should go away. I just don't like seeing people give up on the one ingredient that actually can completely clear acne.


Posted : 02/17/2024 3:05 am

Mirinal, hi, don't leave the forum. Tell, how's your treatment going?


Posted : 02/24/2024 11:52 pm

Posted by: @natbim22

Mirinal, hi, don't leave the forum. Tell, how's your treatment going?

I'm in trouble, I got a big pimples. The ointment probably clogged the pores of my skin, that's why I'm failing. But the small pimples are gone, but that doesn't make me feel any better. I'm frustrated. I'm not going to try 25% of the ointment. I will try low doses of benzoyl peroxide, if I don't get allergic again, maybe I'll combine it with something else.


This post was modified 3 months ago 2 times by Mirinal

Posted : 02/26/2024 12:03 pm

Oh, that's sad. Maybe you should have started with the 25% ointment. I think the ointment immediately blocked the pores, and the zinc concentration was too low and did not penetrate deeply.
