

Posted : 12/21/2013 4:27 am

This is my story I had moderate to severe acne vulgaris when I realized I needed to do something. I was smoking a pack a day, lots of weed and every drug you can think of I took on regular basis and drank a lot to and ate nothing but mcdonalds and other fast food any and all junk food was my diet with a few 52 ounce sodas every day and absolutely no water and very poor hygiene. One day I was with friends and the looked at me like I was a monster and started treating me differently which was a real wake up call God was sending my way. I realized it was a real problem and started with over the counter 3 step kit, I quit smoking weed, cigarettes, doing drugs, drinking soda/ alcohol and started eating healthy all over a 6 month span. The results were there but I needed more help so from there I went to my doctor and got doxycycline and benzoyl peroxide 2.5 gel with adapelene 0.1 gel that worked well but I wanted something stronger so I went to a dermatologist who prescribed me minocycline and epiduo he said I hade moderate to severe acne vulgaris and that It should clear up in a month. 3 months past and I was clear, scars where fading, then 6 months went by still using epiduo and (mino) and my skin was practically flawless even skin tone, very oily but flaked off around my mouth so I used lotion all day long and the occasional tiny bump you could only see if you where really trying to find it. Then I went to a integrative medicine clinic because I wanted to get off all medications and be organically healthy she put me on 200,000 ieu's of vitamin A every day and 50,000 ieu's of vitamin D and the oil cleansing method which was working but I always went back to the epiduo at the first sign of a pimple. I did this for 4 months and then my health insurance stopped when I turned 19 that was in April 2013, so I decided no more epiduo and flushed the last two bottles my face slowly but surely was getting worse and worse till I was back to acne vulgaris I had very oily skin, large pours, black heads, small needle point white heads, medium size white heads with inflammation and very red and medium size red bumps my problem areas are cheeks, jaw line, temples but I still get them on other parts of my face just mainly those areas. So went to clay mask, avocado mask, Lemon, tomato, lime, oil cleansing, probiotic face mask a few times, I tryed the new proactiv plus for a month but I didn't really get results just irritated my skin. So I went and got a bottle of epiduo it was 280 dollars w/ out insurance but I was desperate I used it twice a day some times three times and my skin went crazy and I had red bumps every where my skin hurt and I was further scarred emotionally. I had no more money and I ran out of a 3 month bottle in a month. I met a lady who sells raw honey from bees she owns so I bought some. My new method starting at night.

1.) I wash my face with cold water.

2.) mix a half dollar size of honey and a little organic lemon together between my palms and apply generously to entire face, neck back.

3.) morning wake up take a Luke warm shower, try to keep shampoo, conditioner off my face. End shower with ice cold water over my face and body. After pat drying my face I apply lemon with a cotton ball evenly across my face and leave it on threw out the day and then start all over. It has bee working extremely well the honey is a miracle. My face is now starting to fade acne scars and pimples are going away. When I get a pimple I sterilize a needle by heating for 30 seconds then cleanse pimple with a cotton ball with lemon on it and the needle too. I poke the white spot and with tissue over my fingers I gently push the puss out and apply the honey and lemon and the pimple goes away the next day except the red mark that take a few days. I also take pomegranate skin put it in the oven for 10 minutes at 425 degrees or till dry crush in a blender or just make it to powder and small pieces some how then add pomegranate seeds and Lemon mix together and apply over my face and allow it to dry before I go to bed in the morning peel it off this works as good as the honey although it takes a while to put on and take off but both are extremely worth trying. I am very emotionally damaged by this entire experience I always feel uncomfortable taking to anyone and don't like any thing touching my face I never touch my face unless I wash my hands with lemon I no longer use soap on my hands. I mainly only eat organic food and gluten and dairy free products not sure if it helps I just do it do peace of mind and I drink lots of water and recently started drinking Chinese loose leaf teas green, and red. Lately I have been more out going due to the acne going away but Even with Some pimples I still put my self out there and I'm always glad I did because no matter what is going in with my face the world keeps on moving I hope this has helped or at least inspired you to try to use my methods they are worth it.


Posted : 01/15/2014 4:03 pm

I hope you will soon find your way back into Eden. But, wow, how you've transformed yourself so easily from a junkie to a kosher! [Edited image out]

BTW, if your zits are really stubborn, grind up some aspirin pills into a fine powder and add it to honey and mashed banana. Then apply as a mask for 30 minutes or longer. Also I suggest DMSO, the very best potion I've encountered to date.
