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Bp 5% Breakouts?


Posted : 05/01/2013 8:34 pm

I had heard a lot of positive things about benzoyl peroxide so I decided to buy some. The only product I found in the shops I went to was clearisil ultra acne cream 5% bp,I put a small amount on my chin (where I experience most breakouts ) and I woke upbraid morning with 2 painful spots in the places I put it. Is it normal to experience a break out the first time using or should I discontinue using it? I have a feeling they could be hormonal anyway and would have appeared regardless of whether I applied it or not. Thanks!


Posted : 05/01/2013 10:42 pm

BP does cause an initial breakout in many people but not within 1 day (usually after 1-2 weeks of daily use). I would say its just a coincidence.


Posted : 05/02/2013 1:19 am

i personally feel bp should be used as spot treatment.

its got many side effects and not worrying the clear portions of ur face is a good idea.

plus 5% seems bad to me.

u can make it 2.5 to 3.5%


Posted : 05/02/2013 2:57 am

Any regimen users know that irritation = acne and I feel like the irritation you get when you first use BP is what causes the 'initial breakout'. Which is why people dont have much success with 5% & 10% because of the irritation causing breakouts. Its possible that the strong BP caused a small clogged pore to become inflamed.


Posted : 05/02/2013 4:10 am

Wash your face with DISTILLED WATER. Depending on where you live, the water can be very harsh on your skin because it contains excess minerals such as magnesium, chlorine, and calcium. So buy a jug of Distilled Water from the grocery store (It cost like a $1) and rinse your face with distilled water everytime you wash your face. It is okay to lather and wash with the tap water, but RINSE your face with Distilled Water.

My face was breaking out much like yours and I started rinsing with Distilled water. WOW what a difference it made. I could tell within the hour how less inflammed my acne looked.

Distilled water is the purest form of water containing no minerals or excess dirt.
